Over the past years, quantum systems in extreme conditions have become a unifying research theme crossing traditional lines of specialisation from high-energy and nuclear physics to atomic and condensed matter physics. Quantum systems in extreme conditions can exhibit characteristic common properties despite dramatic differences in key parameters such as temperature, density or field strength. The existence of universal regimes, where even quantitative agreements between seemingly disparate physical systems can be observed, drives a remarkable convergence of research activities. This allows us to ask closely related questions – and often even the same ones – for very distinct physical platforms. Together, the synergies help us to give more complete answers to outstanding questions than individual systems could provide. Much progress is achieved in this way, opening-up new perspectives on long-standing problems. A major focus of the Collaborative Research Centre 1225 concerns research on extreme conditions experimentally realised in heavy-ion collisions probing quantum chromodynamics (QCD), highly charged ions investigating strong-field quantum electrodynamics (QED), and ultracold quantum gases as versatile model systems for complex few- to many-body problems. Together, these systems probe more than twenty orders of magnitude in temperature or energy scale! Focusing on isolated quantum systems gives access to relevant fundamental physics problems and offers clean experimental and theoretical settings. Here the outstanding experimental precision of highly charged ion platforms offers sensitivity to fundamental physics even beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. An important strength of our approach is the investigation of transient phenomena as well as equilibrium properties from a common perspective. This allows us to address some of the most pressing questions about the thermalisation process, the interplay of strong fields with the vacuum and matter, and the phase structure of systems in extreme conditions. We investigate regimes where the dimensionless combination of the interaction strength, fields expectation values and characteristic energy scale or density of states becomes of order unity. Therefore, this takes into account also relevant weak-coupling regimes in the presence of strong fields or large fluctuations which occur far from equilibrium.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Austria, Norway
Current projects
A01 - Thermalisation dynamics and infrared phenomena in heavy-ion collisions
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas
Reygers, Klaus
Stachel, Johanna
A02 - From QCD transport to particle yields
(Project Heads
Capellino, Federica
Masciocchi, Silvia
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Stachel, Johanna
A04 - Probing and characterising effective models of far-from-equilibrium universality
(Project Heads
Gasenzer, Thomas
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
A05 - Rydberg spin glasses
(Project Heads
Gärttner, Martin
Jochim, Selim
Weidemüller, Matthias
Whitlock, Shannon
A07 - Probing and simulating universal dynamics in dipolar quantum gases
(Project Heads
Chomaz, Ph.D., Lauriane
Gasenzer, Thomas
B01 - Precision physics on bound single, few, and many strongly correlated electron systems in strong fields
(Project Heads
Blaum, Klaus
Crespo López-Urrutia, José Ramón
Haverkort, Maurits
Sturm, Sven
Wetterich, Christof
B02 - Precision theory of highly charged ions within the Standard Model and beyond
(Project Heads
Di Piazza, Antonino
Evers, Jörg
Harman, Zoltan
Jaeckel, Joerg
Keitel, Christoph H.
Palffy-Buß, Adriana
B03 - Nonthermal fixed points and topological data analysis for quantum fields
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Wienhard, Anna
B04 - Quantum field simulators
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Jendrzejewski, Fred
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
C01 - Strongly correlated fermions
(Project Heads
Haverkort, Maurits
Jochim, Selim
Pawlowski, Jan Martin
Schmidt, Richard
Wetterich, Christof
C03 - Bose Fermi mixtures at large (but finite) mass ratios
(Project Heads
Chomaz, Ph.D., Lauriane
Enss, Tilman
Salmhofer, Manfred
Weidemüller, Matthias
C06 - Flow, extreme magnetic fields, and data-driven analysis of hadronic collisions
(Project Heads
Dubla, Andrea
Flörchinger, Stefan
Masciocchi, Silvia
Selyuzhenkov, Ilya
C07 - Effective many-body physics of fermions in low-dimensional materials
(Project Heads
Schmidt, Richard
Zaumseil, Jana
ZABC - Origins of collectivity in few-body systems
(Project Heads
Enss, Tilman
Jochim, Selim
Masciocchi, Silvia
Mazeliauskas, Aleksas
ZV - Coordination of the Collaborative Research Centre 1225 ISOQUANT
(Project Head
Berges, Jürgen
ZÖ - Science and society – challenges of science communication
(Project Heads
Berges, Jürgen
Blaum, Klaus
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Ringena, Lisa
Stachel, Johanna
Weidemüller, Matthias
Completed projects
A03 - Nonequilibrium dynamics and relaxation in many-body quantum systems
(Project Heads
Erne, Sebastian
Schmiedmayer, Jörg
A06 - Entanglement of quantum fields detected through entropic uncertainty relations
(Project Heads
Flörchinger, Stefan
Gärttner, Martin
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
C02 - From few to many: ultracold atoms in reduced dimensions
(Project Heads
Enss, Tilman
Jochim, Selim
C05 - Probing the QCD phase structure with heavy quarks
(Project Heads
Braun-Munzinger, Peter
Klasen, Michael
Rothkopf, Alexander Karl
Stachel, Johanna