Project Details
The role of the Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor GPR133/ADGRD1 in the mechano-sensitive tissues heart and bone
Professorin Dr. Ines Liebscher
Subject Area
from 2014 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 246212759
Identifying the activation mechanism of adhesion G protein-coupledreceptors (aGPCRs) has been the main goal of our project. We wereable to define a tethered agonist region, establish derived agonisticand antagonistic peptides and showed one possible way to achieveaGPCR activation in vivo and in vitro through an orchestratedsequence including binding of an extracellular interaction partner,mechanical force and tethered agonist-mediated activation ofintracellular signaling cascades. We now aim to translate thesefindings into the characterization of the consequences of the deletionof an orphan aGPCR, the GPR133/ADGRD1 in zebrafish and mice intissues that are known to respond to or work through mechanicalforces, bone and heart.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Subproject of
FOR 2149:
Elucidation of Adhesion-GPCR Signalling