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Microvariation in pronominal and verbal enclitics in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Empirical studies on spoken language, including dialects and heritage languages

Subject Area Individual Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
Term from 2015 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 266055244
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

The publications offer an empirical in-depth study on the use of the pronominal and auxiliary clitics in Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian. Its focus is on microvariation between the standard varieties and in varieties which are not under the direct influence of prescriptive corpus planning. The project is unique as it puts descriptive work of Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian scholars on the same footing with general linguistic studies with a theoretical orientation. We detected the following parameters of variation: i) Inventory, ii) Internal organisation of the clitic cluster and morphonological processes and iii) Position of clitics and clitic clusters. A special focus is on the systematic analysis of the structural conditions of clitic climbing understood as a phenomenon whereby a clitic is not realised in a position contiguous to the elements of the embedding to which it belongs, but in a position contiguous to elements of the matrix. Additionally, our monograph offers new insights in the following areas of syntactic research: complex sentences, islands, repeated morph constraint, and linguistic complexity. We propose two new concepts for studies on clitics in Slavonic: ‘diaclisis’ and ‘tied islands’. The monograph will be interesting reading for scholars working on syntactic variation who strive for empirical methods taking frequencies and correlations of factors into account. The book shows how corpus driven studies can feed into cutting edge psycholinguistic tests and might, thus, contribute to the current debate on the triangulation of empirical methods. As all examples are glossed according to Leipzig Glossing Rules, the book does not presuppose any knowledge of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.



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