Biogeomorphologische Dynamiken auf Lateralmoränen im Turtmanngletschervorfeld, Schweiz (BIMODAL)
Ökologie und Biodiversität der Pflanzen und Ökosysteme
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The BIMODAL project investigated biogeomorphic feedbacks between vegetation and geomorphic processes in Turtmann glacier foreland (Switzerland) and contributed new scientific results to all objectives. (1) The dwarf shrub Dryas octopetala was identified as an alpine ecosystem engineer species and demonstrated how it affects mechanical, thermal and hydrological material and surface properties through its traits. D. octopetala possess high tensile strength roots, decreases sediment transport on moraine slopes and traps fine sediments. (2) Conditions for biogeomorphic feedbacks on lateral moraine slopes depend on the relationship between process magnitude and frequency of occurring processes and species resilience and resistance, as described in the biogeomorphic feedback window concept. In this biogeomorphic feedback window, ecosystem engineering can promote the development of turf-banked solifluction lobes as biogeomorphic structures with specific geomorphic and ecologic properties. (3) On a decadal scale, paraglacial adjustment of lateral moraine slopes is path-dependent and can be strongly influenced by ecosystem engineering. Jointly, paraglacial geomorphic processes and ecosystem engineering drive 'biogeomorphic patch dynamics' on the lateral moraine slopes. A panarchy approach links small scale ecosystem engineering and intermediate scale conditions for biogeomorphic feedbacks to larger scale biogeomorphic dynamics. The project results significantly advanced the understanding of biogeomorphic feedbacks in glacier forelands and are and will be followed up in several projects.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2016): Biogeomorphic dynamics in the Turtmann glacier forefield, Switzerland. Dissertation, Geographisches Institut, Universität Bonn
Eichel, J.
(2016): Conditions for feedbacks between geomorphic and vegetation dynamics on lateral moraine slopes: a biogeomorphic feedback window. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41, p. 406 - 41
Eichel, J., Corenblit, D. & R. Dikau
(2017): Solifluction meets vegetation: the role of biogeomorphic feedbacks for turf-banked solifluction lobe development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41(11), p. 1623-1635
Eichel, J., Draebing, D., Klingbeil, L., Wieland, M., Eling, C., Schmidtlein, S., Kuhlmann, H., Dikau, R.
(2017): Spatial Controls of Turf-Banked Solifluction Lobes and Their Role for Paraglacial Adjustment in Glacier Forelands. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 28(2), p. 446-459
Draebing, D. & J. Eichel
(2018): Divergence, convergence, and path dependency of paraglacial adjustment of alpine lateral moraine slopes. Land Degradation and Development 29(6), p. 1979-1990
Draebing, D. & J. Eichel
(2018): From active to stable: Paraglacial transition of Alpine lateral moraine slopes. Land Degradation and Development 29(11), p. 4158-4172
Eichel, J., Draebing, D. & N. Meyer
(2018): Links between life and landscapes. Nature Geoscience 11, p. 154
Eichel, J.
(2018): UAV-based mapping of turf-banked solifluction lobe movement and its relation to material, thermal and vegetation controls. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Permafrost, 22.06. -01.07.2018, Chamonix-Mont Blanc
Eichel, J., Draebing D., Kattenborn, T., Senn, J., Klingbeil, L., Wieland, M., Eling, C.
(2019): UAV based Analysis of Geomorphological Processes: Assessing the Motion of a Solifluction Lobe in the Turtmann Valley, Switzerland. 4th Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), 15-17 May 2019, Athens, Greece
Klingbeil, L., Heinz, E., Wieland, M., Eichel, J., Laebe, T. & H. Kuhlmann
(2019): Vegetation succession and biogeomorphic interactions in glacier forelands. In: Heckmann, T. & D. Morche (eds): Geomorphology of proglacial systems - Landform and sediment dynamics in recently deglaciated alpine landscapes. Springer, 327-349
Eichel, J.