Projekt Druckansicht

Räumliche und zeitliche Regulation der Formation von makromolekularen Komplexen in Bakterien

Fachliche Zuordnung Parasitologie und Biologie der Erreger tropischer Infektionskrankheiten
Förderung Förderung von 2015 bis 2024
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 265358895
Latest developments in the field of microbiology revealed novel insights on the intricate organization of the bacterial cell and the dynamic interaction between the different cellular components. These unexpected revelations, which completely changed the view of bacterial cells as "bags of freely diffusing macromoleclules" that prevailed for many years, have been made possible due to the combination of different areas of expertise and the use of multidisciplinary approaches. The five collaborating PIs made significant contributions to this revolution. An understanding of the spatiotemporal and structural organization of the bacterial cell, the mechanisms underlying them and their physiological significance, which is of utmost importance for basic, as well as applied science, requires bringing together different disciplines and experimental approaches. The objectives of this proposal are to unravel the spatial distribution of macromolecular complexes in bacterial cells and its underlying mechanisms, as well as to explore the physiological roles of the subcellular spatiotemporal organization. Specifically, we propose to elucidate strategies for spatial regulation of bacterial multi-factorial signaling complexes, study regulation of signaling networks mediated by RNA localization, and explore the spatiotemporal dynamics of chromosome packaging and its expression. To achieve these goals we will pursue an interdisciplinary study, whereby we will combine cutting-edge and quantitative imaging methodologies with genetic, biochemical and proteomic approaches. To reach our goals, there is an urgent need for the five research groups to combine forces and bring their different areas of expertise to the collaborative studies. To achieve that and to ensure cross-fertilization, postdocs and PhD students will spend extended periods of time in each other labs, and all members of the five groups will meet every eight months to discuss the results and plan future experiments. This mode of cooperation will allow sharing knowledge and technologies, will greatly advance the knowledge and expertise of the young scientists - students, postdocs and PIs alike - who are involved in this research, and will guarantee the success of the projects. The proposed collaborative studies are important for basic science, as they are expected to uncover novel principles of microbial cell biology. Additionally, our research is expected to open up new therapeutic avenues, since components of the hitherto unknown organizational mechanisms will serve as novel potential targets for the development of new antibacterial drugs.
DFG-Verfahren Deutsch-Israelische-Projektkooperationen
Internationaler Bezug Israel
Großgeräte Fluorescent microscope, CCD camera


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