Kant, Transcendental Strategies, and Philosophical Antinomies
Theoretical Philosophy
Final Report Abstract
The project developed a comprehensive interpretation of Immanuel Kant’s method in the Critique of Pure Reason. The project identified 4 main tasks in order to achieve this objective: (a) a detailed analysis of Kant’s first Critique, which considers both Kant’s own account of the method of metaphysics and the structure of the arguments he presents within the Critique; (b) a critical examination of the relationship between Kant’s method and that of his predecessors; (c) an assessment of the different ways in which Kant’s method has been interpreted, criticized and appropriated in the history of philosophy; and (d) an estimation of the ways in which a renewed interpretation of the method of the Critique of Pure Reason can offer tools relevant to current debates in various fields of philosophy. The main result related to task (a) is a forthcoming monograph on Kant’s Method in the Critique of Pure Reason. The book argues that the Transcendental Doctrine of Method is a key to understanding the structure and method of the Critique. According to this approach, it is the Critique as a whole that must be considered the doctrine of method of metaphysics. The book also argues that two disciplines are established within the Critique: transcendental philosophy, as that part of the metaphysics of nature that deals with pure cognitions of objects, and the critique of pure reason, as that discipline within the Critique that accomplishes its task as the doctrine of method of metaphysics. The book then clarifies what distinguishes the methods of transcendental philosophy and the critique of pure reason respectively. The results related to task (b) are mainly contained in two articles, respectively on Kant’s remarks on Wolff’s and Newton’s methods. The main result related to task (c) is a special issue of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy on “Kant’s Philosophical Method: Receptions and Transformations”. The main results related to task (d) are a special issue of Syntese on “The Current Relevance of Kant’s Method in Philosophy” and an article on “Kant, the Third Antinomy and Transcendental Arguments”.
“C. I. Lewis, Kant, and the Reflective Method of Philosophy.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Gabriele Gava
“Kant, the Third Antinomy and Transcendental Arguments.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly
Gabriele Gava
“The Fallibilism of Kant’s Architectonic,” in Gabriele Gava, Robert Stern (eds.), Pragmatism, Kant and Transcendental Philosophy, London & New York: Routledge, 2016, pp. 46-66
Gabriele Gava
“Transzendentale Argumente” (Transcendental Arguments), in Markus Schrenk (ed.), Handbuch Metaphysik, Stuttgart & Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 2017, pp. 410-16
Gabriele Gava
“Kant, Wolff, and the Method of Philosophy.” Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, 8: 271-303, 2018
Gabriele Gava
“Sind die regulativen Ideen ein doktrinaler Glaube? Über die Rechtfertigung des regulativen Gebrauchs der Ideen im Anhang zur transzendentalen Dialektik,” in V. L. Waibel und M. Ruffing (eds.), Natur und Freiheit. Akten des 12. internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018, pp. 1207-16
Gabriele Gava