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Structural and Functional Characterization of the Regulation Network of Microtubule Plus-ends using Hybrid Methods

Applicant Dr. Naoko Mizuno
Subject Area Structural Biology
Term from 2014 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 254667228
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

p150 is a member of +TIPs, accumulating at microtubule plus ends. It plays a key role in initiating retrograde transport by recruiting and dynein. p150 contains a microtubule-binding CAP-Gly domain that accelerates tubulin polymerization. While this copolymerization is well studied using light microscopic techniques, structural consequences of the interaction are elusive. In this proposed research, we published a research article presenting a direct visualization of the microtubule-CAP-Gly by cryo-EM and showed the molecular mechanism of the control of microtubule dynamics. The neutralization of acidic tubulin surface by the basic extension of CAP-Gly resulted in the activation of the lateral association. In the condition where the lateral association is impeded, the extended CAP-Gly induces the longitudinal tubulin association. These two directional modes of self-associations induced by CAP-Gly may provide a foundation for the microtubule dynamic behavior.



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