Non-linear femtosecond optics and waveguiding in single zincoxide nanowires
Professor Dr. Tobias Voß
Fachliche Zuordnung
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2006 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 25023998
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Jeju (Korea), 2007. Femtosecond excitation of bulk ZnO: material modification and ultrafast dynamics
T. Shih, T. Voss, M. T. Winkler, and E. Mazur
13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Jeju (Korea), 2007. Measuring the transmission losses of a single ZnO nanowire
T. Voss, G. T. Svacha, and E. Mazur
397. WE-Heraeus-Seminar„Semiconducting Nanowires: Physics, Materials and Devices" (2007). ZnO nanowires: waveguide modes, coupling, and non-linear optics
T. Voss, G. T. Svacha, and E. Mazur
Condensed Matter and Applied Physics Seminar, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Top-down and bottom-up: nano-optics with zinc oxide and silica nanowires. Cambridge, MA, USA (March 2007)
Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Workshop From Materials to Functional Materials: Top-down and bottom-up: nano-optics with zinc oxide and silica nanowires. Delmenhorst, Germany, (July 2007)
Photonics West 2007, San Jose (USA). Efficient coupling between guided optical modes in ZnO nanowire-waveguides and tapered silica fibers
T. Voss, G. T. Svacha, and E. Mazur
Seminar at the LCMTR, Institut des Sciences Chimiques Seine Amont, CNRS, Paris (France): Top-down and bottom-up: nano-optics with zinc oxide and silica nanowires. Paris, France, (October 2007)
Seminar at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy: Surface effects and waveguiding in single ZnO nanowires. Los Angeles, CA, USA (February 2007)
Photonics West 2008, San Jose (USA). Femtosecond excitation of bulk ZnO: material modification and ultrafast dynamics
T. Voss, T. Shih, and E. Mazur