The Collaborative Research Centre investigates constellations of education and religion in Greco-Roman religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam from the 5th century BCE to the 16th century CE. Research is guided by the supposition that investigating the relationship of education and religion will provide deeper insights into cultural, social, and religious dynamics which were fundamental in these cultures and religions; moreover, this research agenda will also be instrumental in uncovering the historical roots of contemporary debates about education and religion. ‘Education’ is conceptualized by differentiating processes of socialization (by participating in family life and society), education (by teachers and other authorities) and self-formation, i.e. the development of critical reflection on God, the world, and the self (‘Bildung’ in its German meaning). ‘Religion’ comprises discourses, practices, and institutions which are based on the presupposition of the relationship to a being beyond everyday human experience. These concepts allow for an analysis of phenomena and constellations in an interdisciplinary and comparative manner, thus employing typological as well as genealogical approaches. In the second funding period, the dynamics of education and religion are investigated within four project areas: (A) ‘Materiality’ focuses on object-based aspects and respective discourses; (B) ‘Interpretations’ deals with strategies of authorization of scriptures considered holy; (C) ‘Communications’ analyzes acts of religious speech with regard to cultic practice and the competency of teachers; and (E) ‘Contextualizations’ investigates ancient and medieval cities as spaces of encounter and interaction of different cultures of religions. The tableau of academic disciplines involves Classics and Jewish Studies as well as Christian exegesis and Church History, Religious Studies and Islamic Studies, Medieval History and Pedagogics of Religion; Jewish Studies is represented by two subprojects situated at the Hebrew University (Jerusalem). Thus, at Göttingen University, the CRC strengthens the focus on already existing research into religions; it deepens and intensifies the cooperation between academic disciplines beyond borders of epochs and religious cultures.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Archaeology of Ancient Libraries: Religion, Representation, Storerooms of Knowledge
(Project Head
Bergemann, Johannes
A02 - Education and Religion in Christian Libraries in Late Antiquity
(Project Head
Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther
A03 - Statues, temples, altars: divine images and their material contexts in Imperial and Late Antique learned writing about religion
(Project Head
Tanaseanu-Döbler, Ilinca Ioana
A04 - Adopting antique knowledge by Christians – Didactics of images between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
(Project Head
Röckelein, Hedwig
B01 - Authority of the Torah
(Project Heads
Kratz, Reinhard Gregor
Singletary, Ph.D., Jennifer
B02 - Normative Writings as Documents of Religious Formation in the New Testament
(Project Head
Wilk, Florian
B04 - Scriptural Exegesis and Religious Polemics in Syriac Texts in Late Antiquity
(Project Head
Bumazhnov, Dmitrij
B05 - Authority of Schenoute and Authorization by Shenoute in Miaphysite Christianity in Egypt
(Project Head
Behlmer, Heike
C01 - Prayers, Curses, Prophecies? Contents, Forms and Contexts of Religious Speech in archaic and classical Greece
(Project Head
Scheer, Tanja Susanne
C02 - Roman Prayers and Hymns within educational contexts of the Roman Republic and Imperial Era
(Project Head
Egelhaaf-Gaiser, Ulrike
C04 - Preaching as Communication of Education in Late Antique Christianity
(Project Head
Gemeinhardt, Peter
C05 - Rhetorical abilities as competency of teachers of Christian religion
(Project Heads
Gemeinhardt, Peter
Schröder, Bernd
D01 - Religious Knowledge in Discourse: Cicero`s Dialogues on Philosophy of Religion
(Project Head
Kuhlmann, Peter
D02 - Religion in Educated Discourse: The Evangelist Luke and the Orator Dion of Prusa
(Project Head
Feldmeier, Reinhard
D03 - Ethical Instruction as Educational Discourse: The Muslim Moral Philosopher and Historian Miskawaih (d. 1030) between Reception and Transformation
(Project Head
Günther, Sebastian
D05 - Profiling Religious Identity in Learned Discourses. The Role of Education in References of 12th-century Christian Authors to Jews and Muslims
(Project Head
Georges, Tobias
Z01 - Central Task
(Project Head
Gemeinhardt, Peter