Project Details
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Web-based Documentary Film Between Discourse, Technology and Community Building: the Pragmatic Turn.

Subject Area Theatre and Media Studies
Term from 2014 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 243332998
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

Through the use of primary and secondary research and the production of a number of outputs, events and guest lectures alongside continuous interaction with other scholars (in the specific field of the interactive documentary and in other disciplines), this project manages to analyse, map and expand the field of the interactive documentary in a number of ways, including: the importance of an analytical approach based on the aesthetics of the form, the relevant industry components (festivals, archives etc.) and the research methodologies. In particular, the project helped and is continues to help in the creation of new perspectives of study (especially from a theoretical point of view) in the field of the interactive documentary in relation to its ‘polyphonic’ potential.



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