Project Details
TRR 154: Mathematical modelling, simulation and optimization using the example of gas networks
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Social and Behavioural Sciences
since 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 239904186
In recent years, ambitious climate protection initiatives have been presented in Germany. To make the transition to renewable energy sources possible, not only does infrastructure need to be newly built or repurposed, it also requires modernization and efficient operation of the grids. In the transformation to a climate-neutral energy system of the future based on electricity and (green) hydrogen, natural gas will continue to play a significant role for a long time, for (geo)political as well as security and supply reasons. In particular, hydrogen infrastructure will build on existing gas grid capacity. In addition, it is expected that hydrogen will increasingly replace gas as an energy carrier in applications and thus the transitions to climate neutrality will take place smoothly.CRC 154 set out to do just that with the analysis of gas networks, knowing fully well that deep and new mathematical insights in the context of mathematical modeling, simulation, and optimization as well as the links between them are necessary to answer the questions at the core. In doing so, we kept in mind that, in addition to researching the underlying mathematical theories, transferring to, and using these theories in a real-world context requires a corresponding lead time. Thus, outstanding new insights have been gained in the past years and especially in the last period, in which more dynamic aspects, the handling of uncertainties as well as the interrelation to gas trading and especially deregulated energy markets have been considered.The findings achieved in CRC 154 are the result of intensive, cooperative collaboration and research. The structures that CRC 154 set up and established have since become models for other larger research collaborations within and outside the university. They include cooperation in teams, in which scientists reflect the CRC 154’s findings in their discipline and deepen them there, the formation of subareas, in which scientists of different disciplines work on the coupling of the fields, as well as the consideration of demonstrators, each of which addresses problems relevant to practice, which cannot be treated by one mathematical discipline alone and thus require interdisciplinary cooperation.CRC 154 is on an excellent path to achieve and complete its initial goals, such as the development and mathematical analysis of a well-founded hierarchy of models including error analysis or the coupling of integer and continuous models and methods for decision making with inherent incomplete or uncertain information. In the following years, the goal is to raise these methods and models and their couplings to the current challenges of energy transition to a new level of quality using the existing and developed mathematical competencies. The simultaneity of the questions in the energy context paired with the inner-mathematical challenges inspires the fascination to work in this complex of topics and lets expect promising and new deep insights.
DFG Programme
International Connection
Current projects
- A01 - Global methods for stationary and instationary gas transport (Project Heads Pfetsch, Marc Emanuel ; Ulbrich, Stefan )
- A02 - Analysis and consistent numerical approximation of optimization problems for hyperbolic PDE models of gas networks (Project Heads Ulbrich, Stefan ; Yousept, Irwin )
- A03 - Mixed integer-continuous dynamical systems with partial differential equations (Project Heads Hante, Falk ; Leugering, Günter )
- A05 - Decomposition methods for mixed-integer optimal control (Project Heads Leugering, Günter ; Martin, Alexander ; Pokutta, Sebastian ; Schmidt, Martin )
- A07 - Combinatorial network flow methods for instationary gas flows and gas market problems (Project Heads Klimm, Max ; Pfetsch, Marc Emanuel ; Skutella, Martin )
- A09 - Online optimization of potential-based flow networks (Project Heads Disser, Yann ; Klimm, Max )
- B01 - Adaptive dynamic multiscale approaches (Project Heads Domschke, Pia ; Lang, Jens )
- B02 - Multicriteria optimization subject to equilibrium constraints using the example of gas markets (Project Heads Geiersbach, Caroline ; Hintermüller, Michael )
- B03 - Structured optimal control of port-Hamiltonian network models (Project Heads Breiten, Tobias ; Mehrmann, Volker )
- B04 - Chance constraints with feedback and integrality (Project Head Henrion, René )
- B06 - Robust optimization of gas networks (Project Heads Liers, Frauke ; Stingl, Michael )
- B07 - Multidimensional auction design with (mixed) integer network constraints (Project Heads Giannakopoulos, Yiannis ; Martin, Alexander ; Schewe, Lars )
- B08 - Multilevel mixed-integer nonlinear optimization for gas markets (Project Heads Grimm, Veronika ; Grübel, Julia ; Martin, Alexander ; Schmidt, Martin )
- B09 - Strategic decisions under uncertainty in the entry-exit-system (Project Heads Schwartz, Alexandra ; Walther, Andrea ; Zöttl, Gregor )
- B10 - Mixed integer nonsmooth optimization for bilevel problems (Project Heads Liers, Frauke ; Walther, Andrea )
- C02 - Simulation and control of coupled network differential-algebraic equations (Project Heads Marheineke, Nicole ; Tischendorf, Caren )
- C03 - Nodal control and the turnpike phenomenon (Project Heads Gugat, Martin ; Schultz, Rüdiger )
- C05 - Observer-based data assimilation for time dependent flows on gas networks (Project Heads Giesselmann, Jan ; Gugat, Martin )
- C06 - Transport metrics for analysis and optimization of network problems (Project Head Burger, Martin )
- C07 - Random batch methods for optimal control of network dynamics (Project Heads Hante, Falk ; Zuazua, Enrique )
- C08 - Stochastic gradient methods for almost sure state constraints for optimal control of gas flow under uncertainty (Project Head Hintermüller, Michael )
- C09 - Asymptotic preserving Galerkin methods for gas mixture equations (Project Head Tscherpel, Tabea )
- MGKZ01 - Integrated Graduate School (Project Heads Hante, Falk ; Liers, Frauke ; Marheineke, Nicole )
- Z03 - Central Tasks (Project Heads Liers, Frauke ; Martin, Alexander )
Completed projects
- A04 - Combinatorial switching for routing gas flows (Project Heads Grötschel, Martin ; Hiller, Benjamin ; Tischendorf, Caren )
- B05 - Stochastic Optimization in Gas Transport (Project Head Schultz, Rüdiger )
- C04 - Galerkin methods for the simulation, calibration, and control of partial differential equations on networks (Project Heads Egger, Herbert ; Hintermüller, Michael ; Lang, Jens )
- INFZ02 - Centralized Respository for Test Data (Project Head Koch, Thorsten )
Applicant Institution
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Co-Applicant Institution
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Technische Universität Berlin; Technische Universität Darmstadt
Participating University
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Participating Institution
Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS)
Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.
Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.
Professorin Dr. Frauke Liers, since 4/2023; Professor Dr. Alexander Martin, until 3/2023