Der Erwerb von Voice-Alternationen von zweisprachigen Kindern (Griechisch-Deutsch)
Professorin Dr. Artemis Alexiadou
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft, Experimentelle Linguistik, Typologie, Außereuropäische Sprachen
Förderung von 2013 bis 2022
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 238712922
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2014). Active, middle, and passive: the morphosyntax of Voice. Catalan Journal of Linguistics 13: 1-22
Alexiadou, A.
(2014). The canonical function of deponent verbs in Greek. In Franz Rainer, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Francesco Gardani & Hans Christian Luschützky (eds.), Morphology and Meaning. Selected papers from the 15th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2012. John Benjamins, 331-343
Zombolou, K. & A. Alexiadou
(2015). External arguments in transitivity alternations: a layering approach. Oxford University Press
Alexiadou, A. E. Anagnostopoulou & F. Schäfer
(2015). Middle Voice and reflexive interpretations: aftoprefixation in Greek. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 33: 1293-1350
Spathas, G., A. Alexiadou & F. Schäfer
(2015). The causative alternation revisited: constraints and variation. English Linguistics 32: 1-12
Alexiadou, A.
(2017). Passives and Syntax. In the Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Linguistics
Alexiadou, A.
(2018). Passive. In N. Hornstein & al. (eds.) Syntactic Structures after 60 years: The impact of the Chomskyan revolution in Linguistics. Mouton de Gruyter, 403-425
Alexiadou, A. E. Anagnostopoulou & F. Schäfer
(2019). Passives, unaccusativity, and nominalization. In A. Malicka-Kleparska & M. Bloch-Trojnar (eds.) Valency in verbs and verb related structures. Peter Lang, 33-54
Alexiadou, A.
(2020). The acquisition of argument roles in nominalizations. BUCLD 44: Proceedings of the 44th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development
Yatsushiro, K. & Al. Alexiadou
(2020). The acquisition of transitivity alternations by bilingual children: a comparative study. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Christina Grey
(2020). The complexity of Greek verbal morphology: the case of prefixed verbs. In P. Stekauer (ed.) The complexity of complex words. Cambridge University Press,192-216
Alexiadou, A.