Klitische Dopplung in den romanischen Sprachen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The goal of this project is the comparative synchronic and diachronic analysis of dative and accusative clitic doubling in different varieties of Catalan and Spanish, i.e. the appearance of a clitic pronoun together with a full nominal DP in the same sentence. In the first period of the project, we started out by investigating the different grammatical, semantic, pragmatic factors that have been held responsible for clitic doubling in diachronic texts. Based on this data, we have shown that clitic doubling can be analyzed as a cycle of five different stages. We assume that clitic doubling constitutes a parameter, and suggested that the emergence of the clitic doubling parameter is connected to the grammaticalization path of the clitic (from DP to D° to phi-features) interacting with the possibility of the verb to move to the front of the sentence, i.e. the verb movement parameter. We have argued that this change concerning verb movement has affected the A’-positions available for the object. More precisely, we have suggested that the possible word-order alternations in Old Romance that were available as a means to express the accessibility and prominence of objects were gradually taken over by clitic doubling in Spanish and Catalan. In other words, we suggest that clitic doubling has taken over in part the information-structural meaning expressed by word order in Old Romance. In the second part of this project we focused on the fact that clitic doubling, which is triggered by grammatical, semantic and pragmatic factors, has to be analyzed as an interface phenomenon and as such, it is vulnerable in contact settings. Especially dative clitic doubling which at first glance looks optional, but underlies semantic and pragmatic restrictions seems especially vulnerable in bilingual speakers. That is why in the second part of our project we have focused on assembling and analysing synchronic data from Spanish and Catalan varieties that have either developed in so-called contact settings (Argentina) or varieties of regions were two languages are spoken (Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Valencia). We compared the findings of the contact varieties with Spanish varieties in monolingual regions (Andalusia, Castilla Leon) investigating how language contact affects clitic doubling.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2013. “Explaining the variability in clitic doubling across Romance: a diachronic account”. In: Linguistische Berichte. 236. 455-472
Fischer, Susann & Esther Rinke
2015. “El verbo causativo 'hacer' en el español loísta. Nuevas perspectivas para la 'Nueva Gramática de la Lengua Española”. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana 25: 183-197
Marchis, Mihaela & Mario Navarro
2016. "Object clitics". Manual of Grammatical Interfaces in Romance, S. Fischer & C. Gabriel (eds.). Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 363-390
Fischer, Susann & Maria Goldbach
2016. Clitic Doubling and other issues of the syntaxsemantic interface in Romance DPs. Universität Konstanz, Arbeitspapier 128. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, 1-147
Fischer Susann & Mario Navarro
2016. Manual of Grammatical Interfaces in Romance. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter
Fischer, Susann & Christoph Gabriel
2016. “Clitic Doubling restrictions in Leísta Spanish”. Clitic Doubling and other issues of the syntax-semantic interface in Romance DPs, Susann Fischer & Mario Navarro (eds.). Universität Konstanz: Arbeitspapier 128. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft. 79-89
Navarro, Mario & Mareike Neuhaus
2016. “Existentials vs. Unaccusatives: The Definite-Restriction in Romance”. Definiteness effects: Bilingual, typological and diachronic variation. Susann Fischer, Tanja Kupisch & Esther Rinke (eds.). Cambridge: CSU, 301-331
Fischer, Susann
2016. “Verbal Aspect and Definiteness Effects in Catalan Absolute Small Clauses”. Definiteness Effects: Bilingual, Typological and Diachronic Variation. Susann Fischer, Tanja Kupisch & Esther Rinke (eds.). Cambridge: CSU, 333-373
Vega Vilanova, Jorge
2017. "Reconstruyendo un ciclo: doblado de clíticos y gramaticalización en las lenguas romances". Investigaciones actuales en Lingüística, Vol. III: Sintaxis, S. Gumiel-Molina, M. Leonett & I. Pérez-Jiménez (eds.). Alcalá: Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 111-126
Navarro, Mario, Susann Fischer & Jorge Vega Vilanova
2017. "Specificity and past participle agreement in Catalan: A diachronic approach". Language Use and Linguistic Structure. Proceedings of Olomouc Linguistic Colloquium, Joseph Emonds & Markéta Janebová (eds.). Olomouc: Palacký University. 53- 73
Vega Vilanova, Jorge
2018. “Clitic Doubling and Language contact”. Referential properties of the Romance DP in the context of multilingualism, Teresa Parodi (ed.). Universität Konstanz, Arbeitspapier 129. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, 87-102
Fischer, Susann, Mario Navarro & Jorge Vega Vilanova
2018. “Contact-induced change in Judeo-Spanish”, Caminos de Leche y Miel. Jublilee Volume in honor of Michael Studemund-Halevy. D. M. Bunis et al. (eds.). Barcelona: Torcino, 135-153
Fischer, Susann & Jorge Vega Vilanova
2018. “The clitic doubling cycle. A diachronic reconstruction”. Comparative and diachronic perspectives in Romance Syntax, Gabriela Pană Dindelegan et al. (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Press, 117-134
Vega Vilanova, Jorge, Susann Fischer & Mario Navarro
Catalan Participle Agreement: On the Interaction between Syntactic Features and Language Change. PhD Diss. Universität Hamburg
Vega Vilanova, Jorge
2019. “Language Policies and Language Change: On the Optionality and Loss of the Past Participle Agreement in Catalan”. Zweifelsfälle: Definition, Erforschung, Implementierung, Renata Szczepaniak et al. (eds.). Hildesheim: Olms, 273- 295
Vega Vilanova, Jorge
2019. “On oblique experiencers in psych verb constructions”, Morphosyntactic and semantic aspects of the DP in Romance and beyond, Natascha Pomino (ed.), Universität Konstanz, Arbeitspapier 131. Fachbereich Sprachwissenschaft, 109 – 128
Fischer, Susann
2019. “The Clitic Doubling Parameter: Development and Distribution of a Cyclic Change”, Cycles in Language Change, M. Bouzouita, A. Breitbarth, L. Danckaert & E. Witzenhausen (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 52-70
Fischer, Susann, Mario Navarro, Jorge Vega Vilanova
“Grammatical Questions, Political Answers”, Contact, variation and change in Romance and beyond, C. Gabriel, A. Pešková & M. Selig (eds.), Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag, 441-459
Fischer, Susann & Jorge Vega Vilanova