SPP 1713: Stark gekoppelte thermo-chemische und thermo-mechanische Zustände in Angewandten Materialien
Fachliche Zuordnung
Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik
Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik
Maschinenbau und Produktionstechnik
Förderung von 2014 bis 2021
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 237105621
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
A numerical study on magnetostrictive phenomena in magnetorheological elastomers. Computational Materials Science 124 (2016) 364-374
P. Metsch, K.A. Kalina, C. Spieler, M. Kästner
Simulation of ionic electroactive polymers (eaps) by considering a thermodynamical consistent model within the framework of the theory of porous media. Sixth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Taylor and Francis, London, UK, 2016
S. Serdas, J. Bluhm, and J. Schröder
Theoretical framework of modeling of ionic eaps within the theory of porous media. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 86:3-19, 2016
J. Bluhm, S. Serdas, and J. Schröder
Low-temperature features in the heat capacity of unary metals and intermetallics for the example of bulk aluminum and Al3Sc, Physical Review B Volume: 95 Pages: 094307 (2017)
A. Gupta, B. Tas Kavakbasi, B. Dutta, B. Grabowski, M. Peterlechner, T. Hickel, S. V. Divinski, G. Wilde, J. Neugebauer
Precipitation of T1 and θ' Phase in Al-4Cu-1Li-0.25Mn During Age Hardening: Microstructural Investigation and Phase-Field Simulation, Materials 10 (2017) 117
I. Häusler, C. Schwarze, M. Umer Bilal, D. Valencia Ramirez, W. Hetaba, R. Darvishi Kamachali, B. Skrotzki
Theoretical models for magneto-sensitive elastomers: a comparison between continuum and dipole approaches. Physical Review E 95 (2017) 042501
D. Romeis, P. Metsch, M. Kästner, M. Saphiannikova
Finite-deformation phase field chemomechanics for multiphase, multicomponent solids, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Volume 112, 619-636, 2018
B. Svendsen, P. Shanthraj, D. Raabe
DAMASK – The Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit for Modelling Multi-Physics Crystal Plasticity, Damage, and Thermal Phenomena from the Single Crystal up to the Component Scale. Computational Materials Science, 158:420–478, 2019
F. Roters, M. Diehl, P. Shanthraj, P. Eisenlohr, C. Reuber, S. L. Wong, T. Maiti, A. Ebrahimi, T. Hochrainer, H.-O. Fabritius, S. Nikolov, M. Friak, N. Fujita, N. Grilli, K. G. F. Janssens, N. Jia, P. J. J. Kok, D. Ma, F. Meier, E. Werner, M. Stricker, D. Weygand, and D. Raabe
First Evidence for Mechanism of Inverse Ripening from In-situ TEM and Phase-Field Study of δ′ Precipitation in an Al-Li Alloy, Scientific Reports 9 (2019) 3981
J. Park, R. Darvishi Kamachali, Sung-Dae Kim, Su-Hyeon Kim, Chang-Seok Oh, Christian Schwarze, I. Steinbach
Site-specific quasi in situ investigation of primary static recrystallization in a low carbon steel. Materials Science and Engineering A, 755:295–306, 2019
M. Diehl, L. Kertsch, K. Traka, D. Helm, and D. Raabe
Influence of Interface Proximity on Precipitation Thermodynamics. metals 10 (2020) 1292
Wang, K.; Weikamp, M.; Lin,M.; Zimmermann, C.; Schwaiger, R.; Prahl, U.; Hunkel, M.; Spatschek, R.
Multi-component chemomechanics based on transport relations for the chemical potential, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 365, 113029, 2020
P. Shanthraj, C. Liu, A. Akbarian, B. Svendsen,, D. Raabe
Phase-field modeling of γ/γ″ microstructure formation in Ni-based superalloys with high γ'' volume fraction; Intermetallics, 120 (2020)
Schleifer F., Holzinger M., Lin Y.-Y., Glatzel U., Fleck M.
A Combined Experimental and First-Principles Based Assessment of Finite-Temperature Thermodynamic Properties of Intermetallic Al3Sc, materials, Volume: 14 Pages: 1837 (2021)
Ankit Gupta and Bengü Tas and Dominique Korbmacher and Biswanath Dutta and Yulia Neitzel and Blazej Grabowski and Tilmann Hickel and Vladimir Esin and Sergiy V. Divinski and Gerhard Wilde and Jörg Neugebauer
Modeling bainitic transformations during press hardening. materials 14 (2021) 654
Lin, Mingxuan; Zimmermann, Carina; Wang, Kai; Hunkel, Martin; Prahl, Ulrich; Spatschek, Robert
On the Size Effect of Additives in Amorphous Shape Memory Polymers, materials, Volume: 14 Pages: 327 (2021)
Elias Zirdehi and Hakan Dumlu and Gunther Eggeler and Fathollah Varnik
Parameter Identification and Validation of Shape-Memory Polymers within the Framework of Finite Strain Viscoelasticity, materials, Volume: 14 Pages: 2049 (2021)
Ehsan Ghobadi and Alexey Shutov and Holger Steeb
Quantitative shape-classification of misfitting precipitates during cubic to tetragonal transformations: Phase-field simulations & Experiments; Materials 14(6):1373 (2021)
Lin Y.-Y., Schleifer F., Holzinger M., Ta N., Skrotzki B. Darvishi Kamachali R.; Glatzel U., Fleck M.