Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Kopplung von Reaktionsumsatz und Permeabilität in Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wasser und Gestein
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Mit den Fördermitteln aus dem Koselleck-Projekt konnte eine neuartige Versuchsanlage zur Untersuchung der geometrischen Entwicklung von Reaktionsumsatz und Porenraumverteilung bei Wasser-Gestein-Reaktionen gebaut und eingesetzt werden. Das für den Betrieb der Experimentieranordnung benötigte Röntgenstrahl-Mikrotomographie (µ-CT) Gerät wurde beschafft und in vielfältigen Projekten eingesetzt. Das Gerät wurde nach Ablauf des Koselleck-Projekts ins MAPEX-Gerätezentrum der Universität Bremen überführt und wird dort für geound materialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen eingesetzt. Die gebaute Durchflussanlage wird in aktuellen Studien zur Karbonatisierung von Basalt eingesetzt und weiterentwickelt. Aktuelle Kooperationen umfassen auch geobiologische Untersuchungen und die Kopplung der experimentellen Befunde mit numerischen Modellierungen. Die Projektmittel wurden außerdem eingesetzt, um Experimente in geschlossenen Autoklaven durchzuführen und haben es insgesamt dem Fachgebiet Petrologie an der Universität Bremen ermöglicht, experimentelle Arbeiten als Trittstein zwischen empirischen Studien submariner Hydrothermalsysteme und computergestützte Modellierungen zu etablieren.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Efficient removal of recalcitrant deep-ocean dissolved organic matter during hydrothermal circulation. Nature Geoscience, 8(11), 856-860.
Hawkes, Jeffrey A.; Rossel, Pamela E.; Stubbins, Aron; Butterfield, David; Connelly, Douglas P.; Achterberg, Eric P.; Koschinsky, Andrea; Chavagnac, Valérie; Hansen, Christian T.; Bach, Wolfgang & Dittmar, Thorsten
Experimental constraints on fluid-rock reactions during incipient serpentinization of harzburgite. American Mineralogist, 100(4), 991-1002.
Klein, F.; Grozeva, N. G.; Seewald, J. S.; McCollom, T. M.; Humphris, S. E.; Moskowitz, B.; Berquo, T. S. & Kahl, W.-A.
A new X-ray-transparent flow-through reaction cell for a µ-CT-based concomitant surveillance of the reaction progress of hydrothermal mineral–fluid interactions. Solid Earth, 7(2), 651–658.
Kahl, Wolf-Achim; Hansen, Christian & Bach, Wolfgang
Deciphering the dynamics of olivine nucleation and growth during antigorite breakdown. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, 17-22 April, 2016, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts 16, EGU2016-5743
Dilissen, N.; Kahl, W.-A.; Garrido, C.J.; Sanchez-Vizcaino, V.L. & Hidas, K.
Formation of replacive sulphide in anhydrite chimneys. Jährliches DMG Sektionstreffen 2016 Geochemie-Petrologie-Petrophysik, Bremen
Los, C.L.; Kahl, W.-A.; Plümper, O.; Bach, W.
Molecular alteration of marine dissolved organic matter under experimental hydrothermal conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 175(2016, 2), 68-85.
Hawkes, Jeffrey A.; Hansen, Christian T.; Goldhammer, Tobias; Bach, Wolfgang & Dittmar, Thorsten
3‐D microstructure of olivine in complex geological materials reconstructed by correlative X‐ray ‐CT and EBSD analyses. Journal of Microscopy, 268(2), 193-207.
Assessing microbial, mineralogical, and hydrothermal processes in the ICDP borehole on Surtsey: a combined observatory and experimental approach. GeoBremen2017, A-723
Kahl, W.-A.; Türke, A. & Bach, W.
Classical and new bioerosion trace fossils in Cretaceous belemnite guards characterised via micro-CT, supplementary material. PANGAEA Documentation, Bremerhaven, PANGAEA.
Wisshak, Max; Titschack, Jürgen; Kahl, Wolf-Achim & Girod, Peter
Classical and new bioerosion trace fossils in Cretaceous belemnite guards characterised via micro-CT. Fossil Record, 20(2), 173-199.
Wisshak, Max; Titschack, Jürgen; Kahl, Wolf-Achim & Girod, Peter
Couplings between far field stresses, fluid flow and high-pressure deserpentinization in subducting slabs: insight from the Almirez ultramafic massif. SIP International Conference Barcelona, 39, 45-46
Dilissen, N.; Hidas, K.; Garrido, C.J.;Lopez-Sanchez Vizcaino, V.; Kahl, W.-A.; Padron-Navarta, J.A. & Roman-Alpiste, M.J.
Length scales of reactive transport in basalt: Hydrothermal flow-through experiments and anhydrite precipitation. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA
Los, C.L.; Kahl, W.-A. & Bach, W.
New insight on Li and B isotope fractionation during serpentinization derived from batch reaction investigations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 217(2017, 11), 51-79.
Hansen, Christian T.; Meixner, Anette; Kasemann, Simone A. & Bach, Wolfgang
Oxidative alteration of partially serpentinized harzburgite in a flow-through reaction cell: reaction of olivine to Fe-oxyhydroxide phases and serpentine at 120 °C. GeoBremen2017, A-849
Kahl, W.-A.; Bach, W. & Jöns, N.
Rates and processes of tephra alteration in Surtsey volcano: a combined observational and experimental approach. IODP/ICDP Kolloquium, Braunschweig, Deutschland
Bach, W.; Kahl, W.-A. & Türke, A.
Reaction-induced porosity and low-temperature carbonation of abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. GeoBremen2017, A-751.
Jöns, Niels; Kahl, Wolf-Achim & Bach, Wolfgang
Reaction-induced porosity and onset of low-temperature carbonation in abyssal peridotites: Insights from 3D high-resolution microtomography. Lithos, 268-271(2017, 1), 274-284.
Jöns, Niels; Kahl, Wolf-Achim & Bach, Wolfgang
Reactive transport in basalt: sulfate precipitation in flow-through experiments. GeoBremen2017, A-611
Los, C.; Kahl W.-A. & Bach, W.
Reconstruction of the 3-D Shape and Crystal Preferred Orientation of Olivine: A Combined X– ray µ–CT and EBSD-SEM approach. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April, 2017, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2017-8061
Kahl, W.-A.; Hidas, K.; Dilissen, N.; Garrido, C.J.; Lopez-Sanchez Vizcaino, V. & Roman-Alpiste, M.J.
Relationship Between Far Field Stresses, Fluid Flow and High-Pressure Deserpentinization in Subducting Slabs: a Case Study From the Almirez Ultramafic Massif. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, 23-28 April, 2017, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2017-16454
Dilissen, N.; Hidas, K.; Garrido, C.J.; Lopez-Sanchez Vizcaino, V.; Kahl, W.-A.; Padron-Navarta, J.A. & Roman-Alpiste, M.J.
Upscaling of Dissolution Rate Contributors from the Atomic Scale to the Macroscopic Scale. Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2017
Fischer, C.; Kurganskaya, I.; Kahl, W.-A.; Bollermann, T.; Prüsse, F.; Bach, W. & Luttge, A.
Ambient occlusion – A powerful algorithm to segment shell and skeletal intrapores in computed tomography data. Computers & Geosciences, 115(2018, 6), 75-87.
Titschack, J.; Baum, D.; Matsuyama, K.; Boos, K.; Färber, C.; Kahl, W.-A.; Ehrig, K.; Meinel, D.; Soriano, C. & Stock, S.R.
Fluid infiltration-driven morphological transition during prograde olivine growth formed by highpressure Atg-serpentinite dehydration. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, 9-13 April, 2018, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20, EGU2018-4598
Dilissen,; N.; Hidas, K.; Garrido, C.J.; López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, V.; Kahl, W.-A. & Román-Alpiste, M.J.
Fluid path-dependent, hydrodynamic micro-environments govern serpentinization textures of harzburgite hydration in a flow-through reaction cell. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, 9-13 April, 2018, Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts 20, EGU2018-13566
Kahl, W.-A.; Bach, W & Littmann, S.
Four rooted maxillary first molar with five root canals and two enamel pearls. The International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 600–605
Magnucki, G. & Kahl, W.-A.
Sulfidation of major rock types of the oceanic lithosphere; An experimental study at 250 °C and 400 bars. Lithos, 323, 208-217.
Los, Catharina & Bach, Wolfgang
Textural evolution during high-pressure dehydration of serpentinite to peridotite and its relation to stress orientations and kinematics of subducting slabs: Insights from the Almirez ultramafic massif. Lithos, 320-321(2018, 11), 470-489.
Dilissen, Nicole; Hidas, Károly; Garrido, Carlos J.; Kahl, Wolf-Achim; López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Vicente & Padrón-Navarta, José Alberto
Design of the subsurface observatory at Surtsey volcano, Iceland. Scientific Drilling, 25(2019, 6, 12), 57-62.
Türke, Andreas; Jackson, Marie D.; Bach, Wolfgang; Kahl, Wolf-Achim; Grzybowski, Brian; Marshall, Beau; Gudmundsson, Magnús T. & Jørgensen, Steffen Leth
Crystal surface reactivity analysis using a combined approach of X-ray micro-computed tomography and vertical scanning interferometry. American Journal of Science, 320(1), 27-52.
Kahl, Wolf-Achim; Yuan, Tao; Bollermann, Till; Bach, Wolfgang & Fischer, Cornelius
Morphological transition during prograde olivine growth formed by high-pressure dehydration of antigorite-serpentinite to chlorite-harzburgite in a subduction setting. Lithos, 382-383(2021, 2), 105949.
Dilissen, Nicole; Hidas, Károly; Garrido, Carlos J.; López Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Vicente & Kahl, Wolf-Achim
X-ray µ-CT data reconstruction, image stack of ICPD Core ICDP5059_1_C. PANGAEA
Kahl, W.-A.; Türke, A. & Bach, W.
Enhanced weathering in the seabed: Rapid olivine dissolution and iron sulfide formation in submarine volcanic ash. American Mineralogist, 107(9), 1668-1680.
Kahl, Wolf-Achim; Klügel, Andreas; Bach, Wolfgang & Murshed, Mangir
Hydrothermal troctolite alteration at 300 and 400 °C: Insights from flexible Au-reaction cell batch experimental investigations. American Mineralogist, 107(6), 1100-1115.
Hansen, Christian T.; Lissenberg, C. Johan; Kahl, Wolf-Achim & Bach, Wolfgang
Dispersal of endolithic microorganisms in vesicular volcanic rock: Distribution, settlement and pathways revealed by 3D X‐ray microscopy. Terra Nova, 35(5), 396-403.
Schmid‐Beurmann, Hinrich A.; Kahl, Wolf‐Achim; Bach, Wolfgang; Ivarsson, Magnus; Böttcher, Michael Ernst & Peckmann, Jörn
Microscopic Characterization of Compound Layers. Practical Metallography, 60(4), 212-241.
Sommer, M.; Kahl, W.-A.; Fechte-Heinen, R. & Hoja, S.