Projekt Druckansicht

Mechanismen des "biased signalling" durch Gerinnungsproteasen: Charakterisierung einer neuen Interaktion von Protease-aktivierten Rezeptoren und Integrinen bei glomerulären Erkrankungen.

Antragsteller Madhusudhan Thati, Ph.D.
Fachliche Zuordnung Public Health, Gesundheitsbezogene Versorgungsforschung, Sozial- und Arbeitsmedizin
Förderung Förderung von 2012 bis 2016
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 221484087
Erstellungsjahr 2018

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Despite wide range of cellular expression and extensive investigation of the activation mechanisms exerted by plethora of proteases, the spatial and temporal regulation of class A GPCRs-protease activated receptors (PARs) and its pathophysiological relevance remain unknown. Here we show in specialized renal epithelial cells podocytes that, integrin αvβ3 controls protease-dependent spatial and temporal regulation of PAR signaling. Coagulation protease activated protein C (aPC), which has pleotropic cytoprotective effects through PARs in various rodent disease models, binds to integrin αvβ3 and temporally regulates PAR signaling. However, abolishing aPC-αvβ3 interaction or knockdown of αvβ3 integrin alters spatial and temporal kinetics of PARs receptor resulting in sustained-cell disruptive signaling. Likewise, in vivo, in a mouse model of diabetic nephropathy (dNP), overexpression of integrin binding deficient aPC-mutant or deletion of integrin β3 specifically in podocytes abrogates cytoprotective effects of aPC. More importantly, in vivo antagonizing integrin αvβ3 signaling or inhibition of sustained PAR signaling protects against dNP. Corroborating our results in murine dNP, analysis of human dNP in Nephroseq (a human renal disease database) revealed increased expression and activation of αvβ3 associated with altered PAR receptor expression specifically within the podocytes. These results identify integrin-αvβ3 as a rheostat that control temporal and spatial regulation of PAR signaling in mouse and human disease.

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