SPP 1688:  Proper Times of the Aesthetic. Time and Representation in Polychronic Modernity

Subject Area Humanities
Social and Behavioural Sciences
Term from 2013 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 220271541

Project Description

The Priority Programme pursues four comprehensive research objectives. First, it strives to show the fundamental importance of processes of representation to render the experience and reflection of time and to carve out new aspects and paradigms of temporality through the study of artefacts, of their formal structures and of their contexts. The Priority Programme aims to accentuate of the importance of non-propositional structures for our knowledge of time and to establish the concept of "Proper Times of the Aesthetic" as a key concept to describe epistemic formations within the field of modern concepts of time and temporality. Second, for the field of the arts the Priority Programme examines how reflections of time through works of art and investigations of time and temporality as crucial dimensions of the production and reception of art can be related to each other, that is to find out how knowledge of time and the temporality of various forms of representation are affiliated in the diverse arts. Third, the Priority Programme aims at a revision of the current image of modernity by relating questions of representation to the social and particularly to the scientific and technological dimensions of modernity, by delineating hitherto concealed elements of temporality in modernity, and by describing the simultaneity of the non-simultaneous as prominent feature of an inherently polymorphic and poly-chronic modernity. Established narratives of history shall be questioned, and new concepts of cultural processes shall be developed. Fourth, the Priority Programme discusses the comprehensive theoretical question of how knowledge is rendered through formal structures - in this particular case the knowledge of time and temporality -, and which role formal aspects play in the establishment of a pluralism of cultural studies. Using as example the articulation of temporality through form, the status of artistic and non-artistic renditions shall be determined; moreover, the Priority Programme challenges established notions of the status of unique works of art and of formal representation for the history of knowledge.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection Austria, Switzerland, USA


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Michael Gamper