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Stochastic modelling of protein synthesis by ribosomes

Subject Area Biophysics
Term from 2012 to 2020
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 207100805
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

In Project P9, we have developed detailed and quantitative stochastic models for translational elongation and tRNA recharging; for the entry of short peptide chains into the ribosomal exit tunnel; for codon optimization; for the ultra-sensitive dependence of protein synthesis on EF-Tu abundance; as well as for the competition between co- and post-translational assembly of protein subunits. Major achievements include the introduction of a new computational scheme to deduce the transition rates in vivo from their in-vitro values; the computation of the tRNA available as free ternary complexes based on the measured total tRNA concentrations; the theoretical analysis of the fluorescence data obtained by Marina Rodnina (Project P6), which revealed strongly position-dependent translation rates; a new scheme for codon optimization based on a combination of stochastic and statistical modelling; the insight that protein synthesis is ultra-sensitive to small changes in EF-Tu concentrations; and stochastic models for the co- and post-translational assembly of protein subunits.



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