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Dynamics of translation under normal conditions and oxidative stress

Subject Area Biochemistry
Term from 2012 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 207100805
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The major goal of this sub-project was to understand with mechanistic details and precision the effect of translation on cellular proteome and protein expression and the effect of oxidative stress on the the integrity of translation components in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The most important achievements and discoveries from this project are: (1) the discovery of new structural signatures in bacterial mRNAs that shape gene expression; (2) the novel finding that a silent polymorphism (sSNP) in eukaryotic protein, usually considered as neutral for protein function as it changes a codon but not the encoded amino acid, and this sSNP alters protein expression and function by locally changing the speed of mRNA translation in tRNA and tissue-specific manner; (3) the mechanistic insights on ribosome assembly, ribosomal hybernation and tRNA integrity under nutrient limitations in E. coli, and tRNA integrity under oxidative stress in eukaryotic cells; (4) the identification of previously unappreciated mechanism of m6A modification in triaging mRNAs into stress granules which expands the breadth of physiological roles of m6A modifications; and (5) the mechanistic differences in translation in mitotic and postmitotic tissues. The project led to several fruitful collaborations with other members of FOR1805 (Ned Budisa, Cristian Spahn and Daniel Wilson) which resulted in joint publications.



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