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Impact of climatic and environmental variability on faunal composition and distribution of molluscan and mammalian faunas in Eastern Africa

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2006 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 18857975
Final Report Year 2008

No abstract available


  • The earliest putative Homo fossils. – In: Henke, W., Tattersal, I. [Hrsg.]: Handbook of Paleoanthropology, Volume 3: Phylogeny of Hominids, 3:1611-1631, Springer Publishing Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
    Schrenk, F., Kullmer, O., Bromage, T.
  • (2007): Caught in the act: insights into the sex life of Lanistes ovum (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae). – Abstracts of World Congress of Malacology, Antwerp 2007: 94
    Heiler, K., Schultheiß, R., Geertz, T., & C. Albrecht
  • (2007): Challenging the biogeographical scenario of diversification of the Ampullariidae (Caenogastropoda) using molecular methods. – Abstracts of World Congress of Malacology, Antwerp 2007: 199
    Schultheiß, R., Geertz, T., Heiler, K. & C. Albrecht
  • (2007): Climate impact on faunal composition and distribution of molluscan and mammalian communities in the East African Rift - 77. Annual meeting of the “Paläontologische Gesellschaft Freiberg, Germany
    Melcher, M.
  • (2007): First insights into climate impact on faunal composition and distribution of molluscan and mammalian communities in the East African Rift. First Biannual EAAPP Conference 18th to 20th June 2007, Nairobi
    Melcher, M., Schultheiss, R., Brachert, T., Albrecht, C., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F.
  • (2007): Paleoclimate for the East African Rift from geochemical studies of mammalian teeth. Meeting of the European Geoscience Union, Vienna, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9
    Brachert, T.C., Jacob, D.E., Kullmer, O., Mertz, D.F., Schrenk, F., Semanda, I.
  • (2007): Stable isotope variability in Hippopotamid moar teeth: a methodological study (Late Neogene, Uganda). Jahrestagung Geologische Vereinigung, Bremen
    Brachert T.C., Jacob D.E., Kullmer O., Mertz D.F., Schrenk F., Ssemanda I.
  • (2008): Fauna, taphonomy and ecology of the Plio-Pleistocene Chiwondo Beds, Northern Malawi. - In: Bobe, R., Alemseged, Z., Behrensmeyer, A. K. [Hrsg.]: Hominin environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence, pp. 315-332, Springer Publishing Dordrecht Netherlands
    Sandrock, O., Kullmer, O., Schrenk, F., Juwayeyi, Y.M., Bromage, T.
  • (2008): Suids, Elephantoids and Paleoecology of the Pliocene Galili hominid site, Somali Region, Ethiopia. Palaios, 23:452-464
    Kullmer, O., Sandrock, O., Viola, T. B., Hujer, W., Said, H., Seidler, H.
  • (2008): The Plio-Pleistocene Suids (Suidae; Artiodactyla) of the Chiwondo Beds, northern Malawi. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 28(1): 208-216
    Kullmer, O.

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