Determinants of the emergence of gender-specific patterns of competencies and decision making over the educational career in Germany
Final Report Abstract
In summary, based on our analyses the expected cumulative differences among boys and girls and men and women over the life course appear in accordance with the so-called Matthew effect hypothesis: small gender differences at preschool age are getting bigger over the school career, not so much with regard to competence trajectories but with regard to the chosen subjects in schools and fields of study at vocational training and tertiary education. Even if our research was limited and only partial longitudinal, we could shed some light into the gender-specific processes over the life course by comparing short-term processes for different NEPS starting cohorts. It is clear that we are only at the beginning of an understanding of the gender-specific causal mechanisms and that we need longer individual histories from the data. However, with each additional panel wave of the NEPS, researchers will have longer observation windows and a better opportunity to study with real longitudinal data the educational and job trajectories of men and women from the various NEPS starting cohorts.
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