The influence of motivational incentives on error- and feedback-induced learning in children, adolescents, younger and older adults
Final Report Abstract
Learning via errors and feedback is an important prerequisite for adjusting our behavior to different situational demands. By processing feedback from our environment and our own errors, we learn how to behave adequately and goal-directed. For these learning processes, the midbrain dopaminergic system plays a crucial role because it continuously predicts events in terms of their hedonistic value and compares the actual events with these predictions. In phase 1 of the project, we examined the basic mechanisms and developmental changes in this learning process. We found that positive prediction violations are processed in a very similar manner as negative ones, i.e., errors and negative feedback. We also found that this learning mechanism is not yet mature in children and adolescents and that changes in this learning process in old age are tightly connected with impairments in working memory capacity. Based of the above results, phase 2 of the project aimed examining emotional and motivational influences on feedback processing across the lifespan. It was shown that emotional feedback supports the updating of working memory in older adults and can thus support learning performance. In contrast, younger adults only seem to use emotional feedback when they have free capacity to process it. Moreover, the aim was to investigate the influence of positive and negative incentives on feedback processing over the lifespan. Preliminary results indicate a reduced sensitivity to expectation violations in positive incentive conditions in young adults. Additionally, there are adjustments in the strength of working memory updating, suggesting that negative feedback weighs more heavily and positive feedback weighs less in the negative than in the positive incentive condition.
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