Scientific co-ordination of the Research Unit
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physische Geographie
Förderung von 2012 bis 2016
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 197674476
The sub-project is responsible for scientific coordination of the collaborative research, as well as for the logistic and administrative tasks of the proposed Research Unit (RU) on “Urban Climate and Heat Stress in mid-latitude cities in view of climate change (UCaHS)”. The strongly multi- and interdisciplinary nature of the proposed RU demands top-down approaches for ensuring the scientific coherence of the work packages of the partners. The sub-project is responsible for scientific activities affecting the entire RU, for instance by setting up a network of supervisors for the PhD students such that each student will be supervised by at least two partners of the RU. Implementation, operation and improvement of an existing Knowledge Base system to be used as an effective and efficient tool for scientific coordination and communication, and as shared work space and data portal, is of outstanding importance for the success of the proposed RU. Besides further activities like implementation and operation of a web site for the entire RU, the sub-project will, in particular, originally contribute to the collaborative research. Own research activities will focus on development and application of a formally strict concept for quantifying heat-stress hazards and risk in mid-latitude cities for present and future climates required to integrate the research of the partners into a unified methodological framework.