Projekt Druckansicht

Macromolecular Nano-Carriers from Star Polymers produced via RAFT Polymerization

Fachliche Zuordnung Präparative und Physikalische Chemie von Polymeren
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 20476627
Erstellungsjahr 2013

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

In this project, the so called Z-RAFT star polymerization, which is a special type of the controlled radical RAFT polymerization and which can be used to generate well-defined star polymer, was studied in-depth with regard to its peculiar mechanism and was also used to synthesize novel types of functional nano-containers. For the mechanistic side of the project, we developed and explored several multifunctional starshaped RAFT agents, in which up to eight controlling dithioester- and trithiocarbonate-moieties, respectively, are irreversibly linked to the core via their so called Z-group. These systems were characterized in-depth both experimentally and by simulations with respect to their mechanism. The following key findings that are of immanent importance for the success of a Z-RAFT star polymerization were found during the project: Methods for obtaining absolute molar masses of star polymers via conventionally calibrated SEC and for tracing the initialization of arm growth via NMR spectroscopy using fully deuterated monomer revealed a significant impact of the pre-equilibrium, i.e. the choice of the leaving group of the used RAFT agent, on the star polymer topology. Monte Carlo simulations of the shielding effect occurring in the main equilibrium indicated that steric congestion is not affecting the process to a major extent and that performing Z-RAFT star polymerization in poor solvents enhances the polymerization control, hence the homogeneity of the material. Unexpected star-star coupling in Z-RAFT star polymerization of acrylates was identified to be a result of intermolecular chain transfer to polymer, which could be quantified with high precision using this effect. On the synthetic side of the project, we used Z-RAFT star polymerization to develop new core-shell structured nano-carriers having non-polar cores and polar shells or vice versa. This was achieved by a strategy that exploits the peculiar mechanism of Z-RAFT star polymerization and which rests on a complex sequence of macromolecular reactions, i.e. first developing star-block-copolymers in which every arm of the star is an amphiphilic block copolymer, then incorporating functionalized monomer to the outer block which provides reactive sites for crosslinking, then cross-linking the outer block to build up a stable shell-architecture, and finally remove the core in order to form a pocket for loading.

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