An XML-based Information System for Old Occitan Medical Terminology
Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
Final Report Abstract
The importance of southern France as a center of medicine in the High and Late Middle Ages is not only due to the medical schools of Toulouse and Montpellier, but also to Jewish doctors and scientists. In addition to the scholarly languages Latin and Hebrew, the Romance language of southern France, Occitan, was also used in medical texts, starting at a very early stage. The aim of the project was to create a digital lexicographical database (DiTMAO: Dictionnaire des termes médico-botaniques de l'ancien Occitan), which would make the Old Occitan medical vocabulary accessible for the first time. As a particular innovation, the text corpus the DiTMAO is based on contains not only Old Occitan medical texts in Latin script but also extensive textual material from Jewish medicine, in which the Old Occitan vocabulary appears written in Hebrew script. The DiTMAO is thus the first dictionary to completely record the medieval medical terminology of southern France and, in addition, is indispensable for the study of medieval Hebrew medical texts, which contain a large proportion of Old Occitan loan words and glosses. With the help of DFG funding and in cooperation with the Istituto di Linguistica Computazinonale "Antonio Zampolli" (ILC, CNR Pisa), we developed a database system with a complex lexicographical editor (LexO), which meets the requirements of the lexical material at issue (such as different languages and alphabets). We were able to extract appr. 5200 variants from the corpus (appr. 2000 of which are in Hebrew script), which we mapped to appr. 2100 lemmata and fed into the LexO system. Each of the cross-linked entries contains, among others, a precise definition of the meaning of the lemma at issue, synonyms and the equivalents in other languages that are found in the “word equations" provided in the texts (mainly Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin, with a total of appr. 1500 terms for the whole DiTMAO). We also largely completed an additional onomasiological component, which opens up the Old Occitan medical terminology in a "knowledge system" (similar to a semantic network). Following the funding, the project was continued using the applicants’ own funds and those of the cooperation partner Maria Sofia Corradini, adding more material (now: 5798 variants mapped to 2219 lemmata, 1725 correspondences in other languages). Among others, we started adding Old Occitan lexical material from another DFG-funded project ("A 15th-century medico-botanical synonym list in Hebrew characters from central Italy"). We plan to gradually bring the DiTMAO online starting in the course of 2024.
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