Projekt Druckansicht

Der Aktinnukleator Cordon-Bleu (Cobl) - Aufkärung von Regulationsmechanismen und zellulärer Funktion - II

Fachliche Zuordnung Zellbiologie
Molekulare Biologie und Physiologie von Nerven- und Gliazellen
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2019
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 192290875
Erstellungsjahr 2019

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Actin filament polymerization is essential for processes as diverse as cell morphology control, the formation of multicellular networks, cell migration and membrane trafficking processes. Indispensable is thereby a tight spatial and temporal control of actin filament nucleation. With the multiple WH2 domain-containing protein Cobl, we have identified a novel and very powerful actin nucleator. Our studies have unraveled that Cobl plays an important role in proper formation of neuronal cell morphology - a prerequisite for the formation of functional neuronal networks. Analyses on the tissue and organism level now aimed at revealing the structural and functional pathophysiological consequences upon Cobl deficiency in vivo. The successful establishment of Cobl-deficient organisms has successfully provided insights into the role of this new actin nucleator in cellular development, differentiation and function in the intact organism. Strikingly, among other phenotypes, these studies also showed that different types of ciliary structures rely on the function of the actin nucleator Cobl. Proper cochlear hair cell array development and sensory apparatus positioning are achieved by planar cell polarity signaling. Effectors executing proper tissue development and maturation programs are largely unknown. Our analyses showed that the actin nucleator Cobl is an important effector in postnatal refinement and maintenance of planar cell polarity. During the critical time of hearing onset, these polarity defects caused by Cobl KO coincided with reduced F-actin beneath the sensory apparatus and with premature kinocilium retraction. These defects were accompanied by organizational defects of the pericentriolar scaffold that coincided with basal body and centriolar mispositionings. Importantly, the pericentriolar defects observed in Cobl KO mice were demonstrated to be actin polymerization-dependent and calcium/calmodulin signaling-dependent and thereby clearly reflect our insights into the molecular mechanisms of Cobl’s function, as Cobl is an actin nucleator and is controlled by calcium/calmodulin signaling. Because we observed that Cobl KO phenotypes manifested postnatally, we were able to firmly concluded that surprisingly planar cell polarity formation is not solely an important developmental process. The Cobl-dependent planar cell polarity maintenance and refinement processes we discovered seem critical for hearing, as Cobl KO mice show deficient cochlear amplification. Our successfully executed analyses of the consequences of a loss of Cobl at the cellular, tissue and organism level significantly expanded our molecular understanding of the functions of the cortical actin cytoskeleton - functions that are indispensable for live of all higher eukaryots.

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