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Super-molecules as non-classical light sources

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2006 to 2011
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 18918447
Final Report Year 2013

Final Report Abstract

The author has successfully guided his team toward an engineering protocol for the fabrication of ultra small resonant optical gap antennas by means of electron beam lithography using metallic system such as gold and aluminum. With these materials of choice he is able to demonstrate optical response functions in the linear excitation as well as in the nonlinear optical excitation regime covering the blue to the NIR wavelength regime. Hereby, not only the metallic system is of importance, but also the substrate dielectric function highly influences the optical impedance. Using numerical simulations with Maxwell solvers in the frequency as well as in the time domain the author is now able to incorporate the real nanoantenna structure – from experimental topography information – as a CAD model into the simulation bench work in order to compare the experimental findings. The author made the first step toward room-temperature single photon sources via two-photon excitation microscopy using colloidal semiconductor quantum dots, a pre-condition for the generation of supermolecules that comprise single quantum dots coupled to resonant optical antennas. The aforementioned AFM robotic/nanomanipulation protocol is currently under development. The author took part at a TV production for the broadcasting station BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk) with the topic nanoscale research at KIT, entitled Optische Antennen für das Licht. The author took responsibility featuring his DFG-sponsored nanoantenna work by participating in a TV production for the TV broadcasting company BR alpha. The documentation entitled : optische Antennen für das Licht had been broadcast on march, 30th 2009 (


  • (2009), Nanoengineering and characterization of gold dipole nanoantennas with enhanced integrated scattering properties, Nanotechnology, 20(42):425203
    Wissert M. D., Schell A. W., Ilin K. S., Siegel M., and Hans-Jürgen Eisler
  • (2010), Coupled nanoantenna plasmon resonance spectra from two-photon laser excitation. Nano Lett, 10(10): 4161-4165
    Wissert M. D., Ilin K. S., Siegel M., Lemmer U., and Hans-Jürgen Eisler
  • (2010), Highly localized non-linear optical white-light response at nanorod ends from non-resonant excitation, NANOSCALE 2 Issue: 6, 1018
    M.D. Wissert, K.S. Ilin, M. Siegel, U. Lemmer, and H.-J. Eisler
  • (2010), Novel Pyridinium Dyes That Enable Investigations of Peptoids at the Single-Molecule Level, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114 Issue: 42, 13473
    B. Rudat, E. Birtalan, I. Thome, D. K. Kolmel, V.L. Morhoiu, M. D. Wissert, U. Lemmer, H.-J. Eisler, T. S. Balaban, and S. Bräse
  • (2011), Photophysical properties of fluorescently-labeled peptoids JOURNAL OF MEDICAL CHEMISTRY, Volume 46, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 4457-4465
    B. Rudat, E. Birtalan, S.B.L. Vollrath, D. Fritz, D.K. Kölmel, M. Nieger, U. Schepers, K. Müllen, H.-J. Eisler, U. Lemmer, and S. Bräse
  • (2011), Quantum dots as single-photon sources: Antibunching via two-photon excitation, Phys. Rev. B, 83(11): 113304
    Wissert M. D., Rudat B., Lemmer U., and Hans-Jürgen Eisler
  • (2011): Gold nanoantenna resonance diagnostics via transversal particle plasmon luminescence OPTICS EX- PRESS 19, 3686
    M.D. Wissert, C. Moosmann, K.S. Ilin, M. Siegel, U. Lemmer, and H.-J. Eisler
  • (2013), Investigating the influences of the precise manufactured shape of dipole nanoantennas on their optical properties, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 594-604
    C. Moosmann, G.S. Sigurdsson, M.D. Wissert, K. Dopf, U. Lemmer, and H.-J. Eisler
  • (2013), Linear and Nonlinear Optical Characterization of Aluminum Nanoantennas, Nano Lett., Publication Date (Web): 04 Mar 2013
    P. Schwab, C. Moosmann, M.D. Wissert, E. Schmidt, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, U. Lemmer and H.-J. Eisler

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