Projekt Druckansicht

Die Wirkung von Ataxin-2-Defizienz bzw. -Überexpression auf mRNA-3'-Prozessierung und stress granules in Hefe, Maus und Mensch

Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller Professor Dr. Georg Auburger; Dr. Sylvia Krobitsch
Fachliche Zuordnung Molekulare und zelluläre Neurologie und Neuropathologie
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 186801903
Erstellungsjahr 2015

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Aim 1: The project showed conclusively that Ataxin-2 (ATXN2) knockout (KO) in mouse selectively controls specific mitochondrial precursors regarding their mRNA levels (e.g. the transcript "IVD", "PINK1") and their translation (e.g. the proteins IVD, PCCA, ACADS, OTC, ALDH6A1, MCCC2), as well as pyruvate metabolism pathways, in periods of cell stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Similarly in yeast, its orthologue PBP1 controls specific mitochondrial precursors (in charge of amino acid and citric acid cycle) as well as glucose metabolism, in stress periods via GIS2 as a stress granule component, effects that are clearly reproduced in human neuroblastoma cells. In SCA2 patients, analogous changes are detectable even in blood, and overall an inhibition of growth signals via the mTOR pathway ensues. The global effect of Ataxin-2 deletion is a decrease in translation rates, which triggers an upregulation of translation machinery. Our observations were confirmed by independent teams in C. elegans worms and in yeast. Aim 2: Understanding the neuroprotective effects of Ataxin-2-KO: The neuroprotective effect of Atxn2-KO for TDP-43-neurotoxicity has been demonstrated in double mouse mutants in a manuscript that is currently positively reviewed. The ATXN2-ATXN1 double mouse mutant analysis was not a successful project part. Analogous experiments in yeast remain to be published. Aim 3: Mouse models of SCA2 via knock-in of expansions CAG42, and CAG100 have demonstrated that downregulated calcium homeostasis factors are an important part of pathogenesis, while the upregulated FBXW8 protein degradation enzyme is an important compensatory event. In cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin, our Frankfurt team has obtained the global proteome profile of these mice, which confirmed a key role of the downregulated mitochondrial precursor proteins. In conclusion, the project results have 1) elucidated the mechanism of ATXN2 effect on RNA with its mitochondrial selectivity, 2) advanced diagnostic procedures in SCA2 patients via blood RNAseq, and 3) supported the putative benefit of preventive therapy in ALS / SCA2 patients via hypercaloric high-carbohydrate diet.

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