Erzeugung eines dynamischen 3D Lichtwellenfeldes mit hohem Orts-Bandbreite-Produkt durch kohärente Überlagerung mehrerer mittels räumlicher Lichtmodulatoren (SLMs) erzeugter Wellenfelder - Dynamic Light Field Synthesis (DynaLiFeS)
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
In the course of the project (DynaLiFeS), it could successfully be shown that the generation of a dynamic wave field with high space bandwidth product (SBP) from multiple spatial light modulators is possible. This is achieved by coherently combining independent wave fields generated from several SLMs using optical elements to form a combined wave field. This combination is realized using a setup referred to as the combined display system. A solution to the design problem is achieved by the definition of appropriate parameters such as the gaps between the SLMs, the distance between the sophisticated optical elements and the SLM. Following is a summary of the major findings and results of the project: • A display system consisting of multiple spatial light modulators (SLMs) tiled in a planar 2 × 2 matrix design was constructed. The display system is proposed to dynamically generate a desired wave field with high SBP by coherently combining multiple independent wave fields generated from the different SLMs. The optical layout of the proposed dynamic light field synthesis system was identified. Moreover, suitable parameters utilized to characterize that scheme were defined. These include important quantities, e.g. the existing gap between the SLMs and the tilt angle of individual SLMs, which strongly affect the synthesized wave field. • An analytical model was developed to investigate the forward propagation of light from the proposed display system to a certain plane. The model was utilized to describe how the complex amplitude across the observation plane is generated from light diffracted form several SLMs. With the help of the model, effects of some technical parameters of the proposed display system, such as the gap which exists between the SLMs and pixel size of the SLM, on the wave field generated across the observation plane are investigated. Furthermore, the model shows that the independent wave fields generated from the proposed planar display are only coherently superimposed across the Fourier domain generating a combined wave field. Out of the Fourier plane the combined wave field is again separated into several wave fields. Accordingly, the proposed display system can be used without additional diffractive optical elements (DOEs) for 2D holographic projection with a reduced speckle effect. • 3D synthesis of dynamic wave fields with high SBP can be achieved by compensating for the effect of the gap between the SLMs. According to the developed analytical model, the shifted SLMs cause a modulation of the wave field generated in the observation plane from the SLMs by phase ramps. These phase ramps depend on the position of the corresponding SLM with regard to the center of the display system. The optical elements which imitate the phase ramp optical function are the phase blazed gratings. With the help of a display system and a group of four transmission diffractive phase blazed gratings the modulation with the phase ramps are compensated. Thus dynamic synthesis of wave fields with high SBP was achieved. This has great potential for 3D holographic displays and in 3D holographic projection applications.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Automated compensation of misalignment in phase retrieval based on a spatial light modulator, App. Opt. 50 (2011) 4779-4787
Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.
Enhanced deterministic phase retrieval using a partially-developed speckle field, Opt. Lett. 37 (2012) 2088-2090
Almoro, P. F.; Waller, L.; Agour, M.; Falldorf, C.; Pedrini, G.; Osten, W; Hanson, G.
Investigation of smooth wave fronts using SLM-based phase retrieval and a phase diffuser, J. Europ. Opt. Soc. Rap. Public. 7 (2012) 12046
Agour, M.; Almoro, P. F.; Falldorf, C.
Phase retrieval for optical inspection of technical components, J. Opt. 14 (2012) 065701
Falldorf, C.; Agour, M.; v. Kopylow, C.; Bergmann, R. B.
Phase retrieval in 4f configuration: background compensation and sparse regularization of object with binary amplitude, App. Opt. 52 (2013) A269-A280
Migukin, A.; Agour, M.; Katkovnik, V.