SFB 951:
Hybrid Inorganic/Organic Systems for Opto-Electronics (HIOS)
Subject Area
from 2011 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 182087777
The ability to precisely control the formation of heterostructures from different materials has revolutionized electronic and optical technologies during the past decades. However, tackling the increasing challenges faced by these key technologies requires radically new approaches. In this spirit, the CRC has launched a both ground breaking and comprehensive research programme combining three significantly different classes of materials in hybrid inorganic/organic systems (HIOS) with the aim of realizing substantially improved and potentially novel opto-electronic functionalities: inorganic semiconductors feature high charge carrier mobilities, conjugated organic molecules exhibit strong light-matter coupling, while metal nanostructures excel at confining and guiding light at subwavelength dimensions. Each material class can conceivably contribute unique properties, and their merger had not been systematically attempted. For fully harnessing this potential, the CRC elucidated the fundamental chemical, electronic, photonic, and plasmonic interactions arising from the different nature of the components combined in HIOS, and uncovered novel hybridized quantum states and coupled excitations at their interfaces. In hand with this, we comprehended the limitations of state-of-the-art bulk inorganic semiconductors for achieving intimate coupling with conjugated molecules. Due to ubiquitous surface states and band bending from the surface into the semiconductor bulk, a passive interlayer compromises functionality.In the upcoming funding period, we will exploit the extremely high surface-to-volume ratio and strong light-matter interaction of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers, which emerged during the second funding period as ideal inorganic semiconductor component for the goals of the CRC. These monolayers feature superior structural quality and stability compared to previously used semiconductors. The fact that we can now realise HIOS that are comprised of the active region only, i.e., the interface, provides novel opportunities that were not realistically imaginable before. We now set out to achieve ultimate coupling and functionality. Furthermore, because we have access to nanometre thin, interface-only HIOS we can unleash the full potential of metal nanostructures for plasmonic enhancement of light absorption and emission by several orders of magnitude. Combined with new generations of our unique molecular photoswitches, the extensive know-how gathered within the CRC 951 enables us to realise advanced HIOS that will pave the way for unequalled nanoscale solid-state devices, not achievable with any of the individual material classes alone. Now within reach, these ultra-compact devices will feature superior functionality, such as high modulation frequency light emission and sensing, widely tuneable quantum emission, chirality sensing, electronic and optical multi-functionality, and even synapse and neuron Emulation.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
International Connection
Completed projects
A01 - Exploring molecular-scale structure formation of HIOS by all-atom molecular dynamics computer simulations
(Project Head
Dzubiella, Joachim
A02 - Assembly and local probing of single molecules on ultrathin ZnO films on metals
(Project Heads
Kumagai, Ph.D., Takashi
Wolf, Martin
A03 - Design of functional molecular building blocks for covalent and non-covalent assembly at semiconductor surfaces
(Project Head
Hecht, Stefan
A04 - Surface-selective functionalization of inorganic semiconductors
(Project Head
Heimel, Georg
A05 - ZnO/organic hybrid structures
(Project Heads
Benson, Oliver
Sadofev, Sergey
A06 - Optical excitations of TMDC/dye hybrids under mechanical strain
(Project Heads
Kirstein, Stefan
Rabe, Jürgen P.
A07 - Exploring HIOS structure formation by atomistically-resolved and coarse-grained computer simulations
(Project Heads
Dzubiella, Joachim
Klapp, Sabine
A08 - Structure and electronic properties of conjugated organic molecules on transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
(Project Head
Koch, Norbert
A09 - Monitoring HIOS growth: in-situ and real-time X-ray scattering
(Project Head
Kowarik, Stefan M.
A10 - Van-der-Waals effects on dynamics and THz spectroscopy of HIOS
(Project Heads
Scheffler, Matthias
Tkatchenko, Alexandre
A11 - Interface-dominated hybrid 3D nanoarchitectures with tailored opto-electronic properties
(Project Head
Christiansen, Silke
A12 - Enabling high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy of electron beam sensitive hybrid material systems
(Project Head
Koch, Christoph Tobias
A13 - Temperature effects on the atomic and electronic structure of organic/TMDC interfaces
(Project Head
Rossi, Mariana
A14 - Local electronic structure of single molecules and molecular nanostructures coupled to monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
(Project Head
Franke, Katharina
B01 - Plasmonic nanoantennae as efficient input/output ports for fundamental opto-electronic elements based on inorganic/organic interfaces
(Project Heads
Aichele, Thomas
Benson, Oliver
B02 - Chiral coupling in hybrid plasmonic nanostructures
(Project Heads
Ballauff, Matthias
Benson, Oliver
Lu, Yan
B03 - Electronic coupling in inorganic/organic semiconductor hybrid structures for opto-electronic function
(Project Head
Blumstengel, Sylke
B04 - First-principles characterization of hybrid inorganic/organic interfaces
(Project Heads
Rinke, Patrick
Scheffler, Matthias
B05 - Ultrafast dynamics of inorganic/organic hybrid nanostructures
(Project Heads
Elsässer, Thomas
Kühn, Sergei
B06 - Theory of transfer processes and optical spectra of molecule, inorganic semiconductor, and metal nanoparticle hybrid systems
(Project Head
May, Volkhard
B07 - Charge transfer mechanisms at TMDC/organic hybrid interfaces
(Project Head
Neher, Dieter
B08 - Inorganic/organic core/shell GaN-based nanowire light-emitting diodes based on Förster resonant energy transfer
(Project Heads
Grahn, Holger
Riechert, Henning
B09 - Ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics at hybrid inorganic/organic interfaces
(Project Head
Stähler, Julia
B10 - Theory of electro-optic and chiral coupling in plasmonically enhanced HIOS
(Project Head
Busch, Kurt
B11 - Theory of opto-electronic excitations and excitation dynamics at hybrid inorganic/organic interfaces
(Project Head
Draxl, Claudia
B12 - Theory of ultrafast exciton interaction and spectroscopy at atomically thin semiconductor monolayer/organic molecule interfaces
(Project Heads
Knorr, Andreas
Richter, Marten
B14 - Active control of charge transport and electro-optical interface properties in HIOS
(Project Head
List-Kratochvil, Emil
B15 - New excitonic states at the TMDC/molecule interface
(Project Head
Bolotin, Kirill
B16 - First-principles modelling of ultrafast charge transfer at photo-excited TMDC/organic interfaces
(Project Head
Cocchi, Caterina
B17 - Time-, momentum-, and energy-resolved dynamics of excitons and phonons in TMDC/organic hybrids
(Project Heads
Ernstorfer, Ralph
Wolf, Martin
B18 - Plasmonic tunnel junctions for infrared photon creation and detection
(Project Heads
Benson, Oliver
Kewes, Günter
Z01 - Custom-synthesis of conjugated organic molecules and transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
(Project Heads
Hecht, Stefan
Koch, Norbert
Z02 - HIOS structure and morphology characterization
(Project Heads
Koch, Norbert
Koch, Christoph Tobias
Kowarik, Stefan M.
Z03 - Central tasks
(Project Head
Koch, Norbert