SPP 1538:
Spin Caloric Transport (SpinCaT)
Subject Area
from 2011 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 172432838
Spin polarised currents in magnetic nanostructures give rise to novel spin caloric effects. These effects modify thermal transport, magneto-resistance and possibly even magnetic states. To understand the observed effects an extension of thermodynamic laws including the spin is inevitable. It is long known that heat and charge currents are closely linked to each other by, e.g., the Wiedemann-Franz law, which connects thermal and electrical conductivities. The coupling leads to thermoelectric effects with prominent examples being the Seebeck effect and its inverse, the Peltier effect, which may be described through the Onsager relations. These effects are used in devices such as thermocouples and thermo-electric cooling devices, respectively. It became clear only recently that these long-known thermoelectric phenomena need to be reconsidered by including the spin. This avenue is expected to generate completely new spin-related properties in the solid state. The hypothesis that in magnetic systems spin entropy can be created, manipulated and transported by non-equilibrium charge and heat currents is compelling. Non-equilibrium magneto-caloric transport effects such as the Nernst-Ettingshausen effects will face novel spin and anomalous counterparts. Spin transport phenomena in the presence of a thermal gradient or the lateral transport of heat via magnetic excitations need to be studied.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland
Ab initio modeling of spincaloric transport in nanostructered Heusler alloys
Entel, Peter
Kratzer, Peter
Popescu, Voicu
Boltzmann approach to coupled spin and heat transport in ferromagnets
von Oppen, Felix
Computational design of spin-caloric nanosructures
Mavropoulos, Phivos
Cooling a nanoscale device by a spin-polarized nonequilibrium current
Thorwart, Michael
Coordination Funds
Back, Christian
Experiments on giant thermal magnetogalvanic efects in magnetic tunnel junctions
Münzenberg, Markus
Reiss, Günter
Exploring the thermoelectric properties of normal/ferromagnetic interfaces using current heating techniques
Gould, Charles
Hybrid systems consisting of epitaxial Heusler-alloy films on semiconductor structures for spin-caloric applications
Ramsteiner, Manfred
Interaction of subthermal magnons and phonons and their role for the transverse Seebeck effect
Demokritov, Ph.D., Sergej O.
Back, Christian
Magneto-Seebeck Tunneling Across a Vacuum Barrier
Krause, Stefan
Magnon mediated heat and spin transport in magnetic insulators
Vasyuchka, Vitaliy
Magnon Seebeck effect
Serha, Oleksandr
Manipulating thermal transport using the spin moment
Jakob, Gerhard
Spin- and Magneto-Seebeck effects in novel magnetic thin film materials
Reiss, Günter
Spin-caloric phenomena in suspended ferromagnets: from plane film to low-dimensional effects
Grundler, Dirk
Spin-caloric transport in magnetoresistive nanostructures
Ansermet, Jean-Philippe
Reiss, Günter
Zierold, Robert
Spin Caloritronics in III-V-Semiconductors
Beschoten, Bernd
Spin-current-induced modification of the thermal Boltzmann distribution in paramagnetic and ferromagnetic nanostructures
Meckenstock, Ralf
Spin currents and domain wall dynamics based on the spin Seebeck effect
Kläui, Mathias
Nowak, Ulrich
Spin-dependent thermo-galvanic effects: experiment
Gönnenwein, Sebastian
Spin-dependent thermo-galvanic effects: Theory
Ebert, Hubert
Spincaloric transport and thermal spin transfer torque in thin film nanostructures
Back, Christian
Strunk, Christoph
Spincaloritronics with superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures
Belzig, Wolfgang
Study of the spin Nernst effect: absolute moments and dynamics
Schmidt, Georg
Woltersdorf, Georg
Theory of giant thermal magnetogalvanic effects in magnetic tunnel junctions
Heiliger, Christian
Theory of spin caloric transport / spin caloritronics
Bauer, Gerrit E.W.
Theory of spin-polarized thermal transport in ferromagnetic metallic heterostructures
Fabian, Jaroslav
Theory of thermally driven spin-transport in spin-orbit coupled systems
Sinova, Ph.D., Jairo
Thermal spin transfer torque dynamics and tunnelling magneto Seebeck effect in magnetic nanostructures
Schumacher, Hans-Werner
Thermal Spin-Transfer Torques
Deac, Ph.D., Alina
Lindner, Jürgen
Thermal transport and domain structure
Hemker-Heß, Christian
Schäfer, Rudolf
Thermally induced spin polarization
Kuschel, Ph.D., Timo
Topological transverse spin, charge and heat transport driven by temperature gradients in transition-metal compounds from first principles
Mokrousov, Yuriy
Transversal transport properties and electron-magnon interaction: An ab initio description
Ernst, Arthur
Mertig, Ingrid
Ultrafast spin-dependent and spin Seebeck effect: beyond diffusive spin transport, toward a spin-caloritronic terahertz emitter
Kampfrath, Tobias