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Numerical modeling of the contrail-to-cirrus transition considering the synoptic evolution and the formation of contrail clusters in areas of high air traffic

Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Term from 2010 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 170889006
Aged contrails (also termed contrail-cirrus) can be hardly discriminated from natural cirrus which makes observations by in-situ methods and remote sensing very difficult or even impossible.Thus, cloud-resolving modeling is an appropriate tool to study the evolution of contrail-cirrus in detail and determine their geometric, optical and microphysical properties.This project aims at understanding the formation of contrail-clusters and their interaction with natural cirrus.The main objectives of this proposal can be summarized by the following 5 items:O1: Statistically analyze the temporal evolution of ice supersaturationO2: Investigate the competition of contrail-clusters and natural cirrusO3: Quantify the aircraft impact on contrail-cirrus propertiesO4: Assess the importance of aggregationO5: Provide a benchmark model for contrail parameterizations in global climate model, simplified analytical or plume models
DFG Programme Research Grants

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