Unlocking the mechanism of kallikreins modulating the adhesion of prostate cancer cells to bone
Final Report Abstract
In the presented projects a comprehensive approach was taken to unravel adhesive interactions between metastatic breast and prostate cancer cells and the bone microenvironment, which we mimicked using osteoblast-derived mineralized matrices. To our knowledge, this is the first study that quantified adhesion between cancer cells and their metastatic niche. We have detected significant differences in the responses of metastatic cancer cells to hOBM, and could relate them - at least for the BCa project - to a specific cell surface receptor, β1 integrin. The role of β1 integrin will be further studied in our future work, and we will also test its role in vivo. Moreover, the presented PCa data provide a good starting point to investigate more specifically the mechanisms by which kallikrein 3 modulates the adhesion in PC3 cells. Taken together, we conclude that hOBM represents a well-characterized and validated cell culture platform that allows to systematically studying cellular processes relevant to bone metastasis.
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