Projekt Druckansicht

Vom Verständnis der Selektivität lithiierter Intermediate für die Synthese

Fachliche Zuordnung Anorganische Molekülchemie - Synthese, Charakterisierung
Förderung Förderung von 2010 bis 2018
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 164195656
Erstellungsjahr 2018

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Within the framework of this project, structure and reactivity patterns of organolithium compounds and Lochmann-Schlosser’s Base mixtures as well as novel superbasic mixtures become important in the carbometalation and deprotonation reaction. Allylamines could be selectively deprotonated. The use of further coordinating groups within the allylamine made it possible to suppress the carbolithiation reaction in the presence of organolithium compounds. Additionally, the treatment with mixed metal systems such as the Lochmann-Schlosser’s Base mixture or its sodium analogue lead to a selective deprotonation. In case of the piperidinoallylamine, the carbolithiation reaction could be carried out and electrophiles react selectively in benzylic or para-position. The use of sufficient solvents and their corresponding structures were the key factors for the control of the reaction’s regioselectivity. Studies were carried out to stabilize the phenethylamine anion. Quantum chemical calculations showed that the introduction of a further stabilizing phenyl group favored the metalated product over the elimination of the amine. Due to these results, the phenethylamine was not only synthesized through a deprotonation reaction but also through an aminometalation reaction of 4-methoyxstyrene, a potassium dimethylamine and a lithium alkoxide. A possible reactive species was isolated and characterized through x-ray crystalography. An extensive investigation to find novel superbasic mixtures derived from the Lochmann-Schlosser’s Base mixture has been carried out. If lithium and sodium aminoalkoxides or siloxides are used, the choice of organolithium compound becomes important. In case of the potassium analogues, the reactivity of the mixture is independent of the alkyllithium and the desired product formation is observed for all tested mixtures. Possible reactive species of mono and mixed metal systems were isolated and characterized through x-ray crystallography. One monometallic aggregate even included “monomeric” n-butyllithium which is the first of its kind. The mixed metal aggregate is only the third structure isolated containing all four components of a superbasic mixture.

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