Langzeitarchivierung: LOCKSS und KOPAL Infrastruktur und Interoperabilität
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
A German LOCKSS network has been set up, currently comprised of nine LOCKSS boxes distributed geographically and across institutions. To support this network, a competence center has been established at CMS. Plug-ins for five different publication platforms have been created and used to ingest content from several institutional repositories, but the ingest of content was delayed several months because of legal issues: it became necessary to clarify the rights that the operators of institutional repositories have to distribute their content in order to participate in decentralized cooperative digital preservation. A legal opinion was commissioned and has been received. It includes a sample contract that can be used to govern the duties and rights in the German LOCKSS network. The competence center has also been taking care of public relations for LOCKSS in Germany by setting up, publishing a flyer and holding workshops. The center also established a close connection with the LOCKSS team at Stanford University Libraries. Through the LukII project, the visibility of LOCKSS in Germany has increased, as feedback from several LuKII network partners and potential new partners has shown. The competence center continues its work after the project completion in order to keep the German LOCKSS network running. A prototype for the interoperability of LOCKSS and the open source component of kopal – koLibRI – has been developed in collaboration with the German National Library. Concepts for bitstream interoperability, format migration and metadata interoperability have been worked out and a proof of concept has been implemented. Some results of this development have flowed back into the official version of the LOCKSS software, while others have not become mature enough for full implementation at this time. The prototype has successfully been tested with content from two different publication platforms with the exception of parts of the format migration workflow, which had to be excluded due to the diverging life spans of the project at DNB and HUB. Humboldt University now hosts the first CLOCKSS box on the European mainland, increasing the geographic diversity of the CLOCKSS network. This is not purely a technical but also an organizational achievement because HU now holds a seat on the board of directors.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2010): Archiving in the Networked World: Interoperability. Library Hi Tech, Vol. 28 N. 2
Seadle, Michael
(2010): Das Projekt LuKII – eine Herangehensweise an Digitale Langzeitarchivierung für Deutschland, in: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis. Band 35, Heft 1, S. 109–114
Grzeschik, Kathrin
(2010): LuKII (LOCKSS- Und KOPAL-Infrastruktur- und -Interoperabilität), in: - Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 300-302
Grzeschik, Kathrin & Fromm, Niels & Aust, Pam
(2011): LOCKSS im Rahmen des LuKII-Projekts. Technische Erweiterungen für Datenaustausch, Metadatenverwaltung und die prophylaktische Formatmigration, in Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis. Band 36, Heft 1, S. 136-143
Ostrowski, Felix und Sieber, Jenny
(2011): RDFa as a Lightweight Metadata Interoperability Layer between Repository Software and LOCKSS, in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives, S. 150-156
Ostrowski, Felix
LuKII – LOCKSS und kopal Infrastruktur und Interoperabilität. In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken 23 (2011) 1, S. 51-53
Hein, Stefan; Schmitt, Karlheinz; Werb, Virginie