Project Details
FOR 653: Active and Tuneable Microphotonic Systems Based on Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI)
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 15008671
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Amorphous Silicon 3-D Tapers for Si Photonic Wires Fabricated With Shadow Masks. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20. 2008, Issue 17, pp. 1452 - 1454.
A. Harke, T. Lipka, J. Amthor, O. Horn, M. Krause, J. Müller
Raman Amplification and Lasing in Cladding-Pumped Silicon Waveguides. IEEE/LEOS Winter Topicals Conference, Sorrento, Italy, 14-16 January 2008, pp. 12 - 13 (paper MA2.3).
E. Brinkmeyer, M. Krause, H. Renner
Strong enhancement of Raman-induced nonreciprocity in silicon waveguides by alignment with the crystallographic axes. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95. 2009, Issue 26, 261111.
M. Krause, H. Renner, E. Brinkmeyer
Tunable Silicon Photonic Wires Fabricated by Contact Lithography and Thermal Oxidation. Proceedings of SPIE / Europe Microtechnologies for the New Millennium, Dresden, Bd. 7366. 2009: Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications III; 7, S. 73660C.
Oliver Horn, Julia Amthor, Timo Lipka, Jörg Müller
Resonance splitting in gyrotropic ring resonators.
Optics Letters, vol. 35. 2010 no. 20, pp. 3438–3440.
Jalas, D., Petrov, A., Krause, M., Hampe, J., Eich, M.
Surface mounted tapered vertical Coupler for photonic Nanowires. In: 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics, Cambridge, 2010, WeP05.
Horn, O.; Lipka, T.; Amthor, J.; Müller, J.
Design rules for p-i-n diode carriers sweeping in nano-rib waveguides on SOI. Optics Express, Vol. 19. 2011, Issue 10, pp. 9915-9922.
A. Gajda, L. Zimmermann, J. Bruns, B. Tillack, K. Petermann
Scanning Phase-Mask DUV Inscription of Short-Period Large-Area Photoresist Gratings. Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 29. 2011, Issue 17, pp. 2621-2628.
J. Huster, Jost Müller, H. Renner, E. Brinkmeyer
All-optical on-chip dynamic frequency conversion. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101. 2012, Issue 14, 141119.
Castellanos Munoz, M., Petrov, A.Yu., Eich, M.
Fabrication of lowloss SOI nano-waveguides including BEOL processes for nonlinear applications. Journal of the European Optical Society - Rapid Publications, Vol. 7. 2012, 12032.
H. Tian, G. Winzer, A. Gajda, K. Petermann, B. Tillack, L. Zimmermann,
Low-loss multilayer compatible a-Si: H optical thin films for photonic applications. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid publications, Vol.7. 2012, 12033, 2012, 12033.
T. Lipka, O. Horn, J. Amthor, J. Müller
Integrated Dispersion Compensator Based on Apodized SOI Bragg Gratings.
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 25. 2013, Issue 14, pp. 1313 - 1316.
Giuntoni, I., Stolarek, D., Bruns, J., Zimmermann, L., Tillack, B., Petermann, K.
What is - and what is not - an optical isolator. Nature Photonics, Vol. 7. 2013, Issue 8, pp. 579–582.
Jalas, D., Petrov, A., Eich, M., Freude, W., Fan, S., Yu, Z., Baets, R., Popovic, M., Melloni, A., Joannopoulos, J.D., Vanwolleghem, M., Doerr, C.R., Renner, H.