Projekt Druckansicht

Determinants of German Sectoral Productivity Growth 1970-2003: New Data, New Methods and New Comparisons

Fachliche Zuordnung Wirtschaftstheorie
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2009
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 14537111
Erstellungsjahr 2009

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • (2007), "Gross Output vs. Value Added German Productivity Growth", in Divergences in Productivity Between Europe and the United States, Gilbert Cette, Michel Fouquin und Hans-Werner Sinn (Hrg.), Edward Elgar Ltd., Cheltenham, 2007
    Eicher, Theo, Thomas Fuchs und Hans-Günther Vieweg
  • (2007), "Sources of the German Productivity Demise: Tracing the Effects of Industry-Level ICT Investment, Special Issue on the Determinants of Productivity Growth", German Economic Review 8 (2), 211-36
    Sicher, Theo und Oliver Röhn
  • (2007), "Special Issue on Productivity Growth", Special Issue on the Determinants of Productivity Growth", German Economic Review 8 (2), 123-4
    Eicher, Theo
  • (2007), "The Ifo Industry Growth Accounting Database", CESifo Working Paper Nr. 1915
    Röhn, Oliver, Theo Eicher und Thomas Strobel
  • (2007), "Unraveling the Fortunes of the Fortunate: An Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging (IBMA) Approach", Journal of Macroeconomics 29 (3), September 2007, Pages 494-514
    Eicher, Theo, Chris Papageorgiou und Oliver Röhn
  • (2008), "Germany's Continued Productivity Slump: An Industry Analysis", ifo Working Paper Nr. 58
    Eicher, Theo und Thomas Strobel
  • (2008), "ICT, Skills and Productivity Growth - US-German High-Skill and ICT Investments Complementarities"
    Strobel, Thomas
  • (2008), „Der deutsche Produktivitätsabschwung: Ursachenforschung auf Branchenebene", ifo Schnelldienst 61 (15), 33-40
    Eicher, Theo und Thomas Strobel
  • (2008b), "The Rise and Fall of German Productivity: Software Investment as the Decisive Driver", CESifo Economic Studies 54 (3), 386- 413
    Eicher, Theo und Thomas Strobel


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