Virotherapie: Entwicklung rekombinanter Negativ-Stran RNA Vektoren auf Basis des Masern Virus (MV) zur onkolytischen Therapie des Kolonkarzinoms
Professor Guy Ungerechts, Ph.D.
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2005 bis 2008
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 13737878
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Targeted and armed Measles Viruses for oncolytic therapy. Cold Spring Harbor Meeting, USA, 2005
Guy Ungerechts
Targeted and armed Measles Viruses for oncolytic therapy. American Society for Virology, Madison, USA, 2006
Guy Ungerechts
Targeted, armed and stealth Measles Viruse. Siebens Conference, Rochester, USA, 2006
Guy Ungerechts
"An Immunocompetent Murine Model for Oncolysis with an Armed and Targeted Measles Virus," Molecular Therapy 15(11): 1991-1997 (2007)
Ungerechts, G., C. Springfeld, M. E. Frenzke, J. Lampe, W. B. Parker, E. J. Sorscher, et al.
"Lymphoma chemovirotherapy: CD20-targeted and convertasearmed measles virus can synergize with fludarabine," Cancer Research. 67(22): 10939-10947 (2007)
Ungerechts, G., C. Springfeld, M. Frenzke, J. Lampe, P. Johnson, W. B. Parker, et al.
Lymphoma chemovirotherapy using a CD20-targeted Measles Virus locally activating fludarabine phosphate. American Society for Gene Therapy, Seattle, USA, 2007
Guy Ungerechts
Lymphoma chemovirotherapy using a CD20-targeted Measles Virus locally activating fludarabine phosphate. Oncolytic Virus Meeting, Scottsdale, USA, 2007
Guy Ungerechts
“Lymphoma chemovirotherapy using a CD20-targeted Measles Virus locally activating fludarabine phosphate. American Society for Virology, Corvallis, USA, 2007
Guy Ungerechts
An oncolytic measles virus with thtargeted envelope of another morbillivirus: escape from neutralizing antibodies. American Society for Gene Therapy, Boston, USA, 2008
Guy Ungerechts