Project Details
Intra cluster MAGnetic fields origiNATing from star formatION processes
Professor Dr. Klaus Dolag
Subject Area
Astrophysik und Astronomie
from 2009 to 2012
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 126995580
Galaxy clusters are the largest, quasi-equilibrium objects in the Universe, making them extraordinarily interesting for cosmology and astrophysics. In these systems, non-thermal components such as magnetic field and high energy particles keep a record of the processes acting since early times till now. These components play key roles by controlling transport processes inside the cluster atmosphere and are sources of additional pressure and energy support. The goal of this proposal is to incorporate the seeding of the ICM with magnetic fields driven by star formation processes and AGN activity. Coupling the magnetic field to the cooling and star formation processes will allow us to study the dynamical importance of magnetic fields in the so-called cooling flow regions in the centers of clusters but also potentially in the proto galactic environments and will significantly contribute to our understanding of the global dynamics of these systems. This will be done (for the first time) within fully self consistent, cosmological MHD simulations. The resulting magnetization of the ICM will also be compared with recent and forthcoming observations in radio band. The project is carried out within an already implemented, international network of collaborations and also will allow an exchange of PhD students as part of their training as well as to integrate them into such international collaborations.
DFG Programme