SFB 874:
Integration and Representation of Sensory Processes
Subject Area
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2010 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 122679504
To enable cognitive representations of sensory processes, sensory information derived from our senses (e.g. audition, vestibulation, olfaction/taste, somatosensation, nociception and vision) must, following its initial perception at the level of the sensor, be integrated at the level of the cortex. The transduction of this sensory information, during first-order cortical integration, is followed by increasingly complex higher order processing, which enables the fine-tuning of the sensory percept such that behaviour and memory result.In this collaborative research centre (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB) our goal is to implement a systems neuroscience approach to clarify key aspects of sensory processing at the cortical level. To do this we study humans and animals, and integrate our empirical observations into computational models. We are particularly interested in understanding how sensory information processing leads to learning and memory formation, or to higher order representations such as categorisation, spatial representation, and explicit memory.In the current funding period of the SFB we observed that directed elevations, and under certain circumstances selective suppression, of cortical excitability promote perceptual learning. At the level of categorisation, we observed that the hippocampus is likely to play a critical role in learning to implement different categorisation strategies. At the level of spatial memory processing of sensory experience, we observed that whereas the saliency and the context of the sensory modality are decisive, the modality of the sense itself is less critical when spatial sensory experience promotes neural and synaptic encoding in structures such as the hippocampus. We also acquired novel evidence of cross- and multimodal sensory information processing in the primary sensory cortices.Based on our current findings, we will focus in the third phase of the SFB on the clarification of how different cortical and subcortical structures interact in the enablement of information integration, on how neuromodulation and excitability status can determine cortical reorganisation and plasticity resulting from sensory learning, on a scrutiny of conditions that lead to cross- and multimodal information processing, and on the mechanisms and brain structures that enable higher order representations of memory and sensory experience.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - How does visual perceptual learning interact with plastic changes and excitability in human visual cortex?
(Project Head
Tegenthoff, Martin
A02 - Stability and plasticity of activity and specificity maps in early visual cortex
(Project Heads
Eysel, Ulf
Jancke, Dirk
A03 - Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Chemoperception in the Mammalian Trigeminal System
(Project Head
Hatt, Hanns
A04 - Experience-Dependent Plasticity of Sensory Processing in an Experimentally Modified Cortical Network of Rat Barrel Cortex
(Project Head
Funke, Klaus
A05 - Cortical and behavioural correlates of somatosensory plasticity: bottom-up vs. top-down modulation
(Project Heads
Dinse, Hubert
Höffken, Oliver
A08 - Investigation of cortical plasticity that underlies the transition between perceptual and semantic learning in the human brain
(Project Head
Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias
A09 - Investigation of cortico-subcortical dynamics in sensorimotor integration
(Project Head
Krieger, Patrik
A10 - Predictive coding for tactile detection and tactile learning
(Project Head
Pleger, Burkhard
A11 - The relationship between implicit and explicit visuomotor task learning in hippocampus and parietal cortex
(Project Heads
Axmacher, Nikolai
Klaes, Christian
B01 - How do sensory systems interact with the hippocampus in the formation of synaptic plasticity and spatial memory?
(Project Head
Manahan-Vaughan, Denise
B02 - Theory of the interplay between sensory cortices and hippocampus in memory formation and retrieval
(Project Head
Cheng, Sen
B03 - Sensory integration of place and head-direction cells in a virtual environment
(Project Heads
Manahan-Vaughan, Denise
Wiskott, Laurenz
B04 - Memories of a stressful episode: A special role for olfactory cues?
(Project Head
Wolf, Oliver Tobias
B05 - The Emergence of Perceptual Categories at Forebrain Level
(Project Head
Güntürkün, Onur
B06 - Does the neural representation of new objects in semantic memory reflect object-related sensory experience?
(Project Head
Bellebaum, Christian
B08 - Integration of sensory and memory processing in the human medial temporal lobe
(Project Head
Suchan, Boris
B09 - Medial temporal lobe structures underlying sensory information processing during memory retrieval
(Project Head
Sauvage, Magdalena
B10 - Cerebellar-Hippocampal regulation of sensory information processing and cognition
(Project Heads
Herlitze, Stefan
Manahan-Vaughan, Denise
B11 - Shaping of object representations by cognitive and emotional factors
(Project Head
Axmacher, Nikolai
B12 - Mechanisms underlying changes in hippocampal information processing by neuromodulation
(Project Head
Masseck, Olivia Andrea
B13 - From categories to concepts: Neurophysiology of network dynamics during abstract learning
(Project Head
Rose, Jonas
MGKZ01 - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Head
Manahan-Vaughan, Denise
ZZ03 - Central coordinating office /Administration of the CRC
(Project Head
Manahan-Vaughan, Denise
ÖZ02 - Outreach Project
(Project Heads
Heiler, Ursula
Manahan-Vaughan, Denise