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TRR 83:  Molecular Architecture and Cellular Functions of Lipid/Protein Assemblies

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2010 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 112927078
The central aims of the TRR83 are to elucidate the molecular composition and structural organization of distinct membrane domains, to determine their physical and chemical properties and to understand their physiological functions. The TRR83 combines chemical biology, biochemistry, cell biology, lipidomics and advanced imaging techniques to discover and characterize lipid/protein assemblies. For example, novel functionalized analogs of distinct lipid species reveal their intracellular localization, photo-caged lipids are used to trigger spatio-temporally signal transduction cascades and crosslinkable lipids are employed to identify novel interaction partners. Lipid mass spectrometry has been further developed to identify novel lipids of unknown compositions. Making use of the recent progress in cryo-electron microscopy/tomography, TRR members will approach to gain structural insights into lipid/protein assemblies at the near atomistic level. Crystallography and molecular dynamics simulation will help to build structural models. Nano force measurements will lead to a quantitative biophysical understanding of protein-lipid interactions. The analysis of diverse physiological processes, such as viral budding, unconventional secretion, regulated exocytosis, endosomal fusion, plasma membrane organization, lipid transport at membrane contact sites, lipid metabolism and signaling shall reveal common and divergent principles underlying individual protein-lipid interactions. Thus, the combination of approaches will eventually lead to a comprehensive compositional and functional understanding of lipid/protein assemblies, revealing the biophysical principles and atomistic structures, which determine their stability and dynamics.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

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