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Structural basis for ligand specificity and affinity in naturally occuring and artificial purine-binding RNA molecules

Subject Area Strukturbiologie
Term from 2009 to 2014
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 107727641
RNA molecules are able to bind to small molecule ligands with high affinity and specificity. The first examples for this were provide by artificially selected RNA-aptamers. Recently, it has been shown that direct RNA-small molecule interactions are also important in nature and regulate the expression of a significant number of bacterial genes through the action of riboswitches. The aim of this project is the structural comparison of novel riboswitches that bind to the purine nucleoside desoxyguanosine and/or the purine base guanine and of artificial RNA-aptamers that bind to similar ligands. We would like to characterize the possible diversity in RNA-ligand recognition modes and the relation between the structural complexity of RNA and ligand affinity and specificity. The results will have interesting implications for the design of drugs targeting RNA.
DFG Programme Sachbeihilfen

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