Professor Dr. Ulf Bayer (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Integrierte geophysikalische und geologische Strukturmodellierung entlang der DOBRE-Trasse, Donbas-Gebiet, Ukraine
(Research Grants)
Subsidenzentwicklung und Beckeninversion im NE-deutschen Becken unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des südlichen Beckenrandes ("Elbe-Linie")
(Research Grants)
Deep reaching fluid-flow in the Central European Basin System
(Priority Programmes)
3D structural modelling and basin analysis of the Central European Basin System (CEBS) between the North Sea and Poland
(Priority Programmes)
Fluid flow, heat transport and solute migration in relation to young processes
(Priority Programmes)
Stress and strain modeling of the Central European Basin system during the Mesozoic
(Priority Programmes)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Deep reaching fluid-flow in the Central European Basin System
(Priority Programmes)
Deep reaching fluid-flow in the Central European Basin System
(Priority Programmes)
Influence of basin margin parallel fault systems (Elbe Fault System and Tornquist Zone) and basin intersecting fault systems on the Mesozoic evolution of the Central European Basin System (CEBS)
(Priority Programmes)
Deep reaching fluid-flow in the Central European Basin System
(Priority Programmes)
Co-ordination of the Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP): "Dynamik sedimentärer Systeme unter wechselnden Spannungsregimen am Beispiel des zentraleuropäischen Beckensystems" and general management of data supplied by the German oil and gas industry for this scientific project
(Priority Programmes)
Abschlusskolloquium "Dynamik sedimentärer Systeme unter wechselnden Spannungsregimen am Beispiel des zentraleuropäischen Beckensystems"
(Priority Programmes)