Professor Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine
Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Baustoffe
01062 Dresden
As Applicant
Current projects
Enhancement of fatigue resistance of strain-hardening cement-based composites by means of experimental-virtual multiscale material design
(Priority Programmes)
Coordination Funds
(Priority Programmes)
Purposeful setting of the bond properties and durability of ductile, strain-hardening composites based on recyclable polymer fibers and sustainable matrices
(Research Grants)
Formwork-free continuous production of adaptive support structures from variable frame elements– Adaptive Concrete Diamond Construction (ACDC) and beyond
(Priority Programmes)
Active Carbonation of Porous Mineral Binder Systems – A-COMBS
(Priority Programmes)
3D concrete printing – numerical and experimental description of the sub- processes extrusion, material deposition and layer-by-layer build-up
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
Hydroabrasion bei strömungsbeanspruchten Wasserbauwerken aus Beton - Untersuchungen zum zeitabhängigen Verlauf und zu gefügemorphologischen Veränderungen
(Research Grants)
Verringerung des Rissbildungspotentials von UHPC durch innere Nachbehandlung
(Priority Programmes)
Zugtragverhalten von hochduktilem Beton mit Kurzfaserbewehrung unter zyklischer Beanspruchung
(Research Grants)
Festigkeits-, Verformungs- und Bruchverhalten hochduktiler Betone mit Kurzfaserbewehrung bei Impaktbeanspruchung
(Research Grants)
Modes of action of Carbon Nanotubes in cement-based matrices
(Research Grants)
Basis for the purposeful design of the bond between high-modulus polymer fibres and cement-based matrices
(Research Grants)
Flow-induced particle migration in cement-based materials at high shear rates
(Priority Programmes)
Understanding and mitigation of plastic shrinkage cracking in 3D-printed concrete elements
(Research Grants)
Multiphase granular suspension flow during pumping in complex geometries - FLOWcomplex
(Priority Programmes)
Effects of steel and polymer fiber on the rheological behavior and processing parameters of cement-based materials in the context of 3D-printing by layered extrusion – printFRC
(Priority Programmes)
As Leader
Completed projects
Niederdruck-Elektronenmikroskop mit Feldemissionskathode
(Major Research Instrumentation)
As Spokesperson
Current projects
SPP 2005: Opus Fluidum Futurum - Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials
(Priority Programmes)
GRK 2250: Mineral-bonded composites for enhanced structural impact safety
(Research Training Groups)
As Project Head
Current projects
Jointless concrete base layer – Sustainable, durable, functionalized (concrete base layer)
Low to neutral CO2 binders for material-minimized carbon-reinforced concrete structures
Fabrication of complex shell elements through robotically depositing concrete layers on multicurved carbon reinforcement structures
Completed projects
Experimental and theoretical investigations for the development of matrices and for the improvment of fiber matrix bond of textile reinforce concrete
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Corrosion protection of concrete and steel reinforced concrete structural members in the case of repair and strengthening using textile reinforced conrete
(Collaborative Research Centres)