Professorin Dr. Mayke Wagner
Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Abteilung Eurasien
Im Dol 2-6
14195 Berlin
As Applicant
Completed projects
Neolithikum und frühe Bronzezeit in Nordchina vor 8000 bis 3500 Jahren - Die Nordöstliche Tiefebene (Südteil) -
(Publication Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Varve chronology and high-resolution vegetation and climate dynamics in central Japan during the last glacial (ca. 15-50 kyr BP) derived from the Lake Suigetsu sediment record
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
High-resolution analyses of annually laminated sediments of Lake Shira to reconstruct Holocene environmental variability and its relation to natural climate drivers and human occupation in northern Inner Asia
(Research Grants)