Professor Thomas Vogl, Ph.D.
Universitätsklinikum Münster
Institut für Immunologie
Röntgenstraße 21
48149 Münster
As Applicant
Completed projects
Die Rolle der Calzium-bindenden Proteine S100A8 und S100A9 in der Tubulin-vermittelten Zellmotilität in Phagozyten
(Research Grants)
Effects of the Alarmin S100A8/A9 on the Platelet and Neutrophil Response during Pulmonary Inflammation
(Clinical Research Units)
As Project Head
Current projects
Role of S100A8/A9 dimers and tetramers in the regulation of neutrophil dynamics in chronic inflammation
KFO 342: Organ Dysfuncion During Systemic Inflammation
(Clinical Research Units)
Targeting S100A8/S100A9 induced MDSCs in inflammatory disorders
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
DAMP-induced proinflammatory feedback mechanisms between phagocytes and endothelial / epithelial barriers in infectious diseases
(Collaborative Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Molekulare Analyse von murinen CD11C+ dendritischen Zellen in Milz und Lymphknoten nach systemischer Haptenisierung
(Research Grants)
S100A8/A9 als spezifisches Target für optische molekulare Bildgebung von Entzündung in vivo - erste Validierung von Tracer und Methode
(Research Grants)
Therapeutic implications and pathophysiological role of calprotectin in acute kidney injury
(Research Units)