Project Details
Professor Dr. Stanislav Kopriva
Universität zu Köln
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften
Arbeitsgruppe Kopriva
Zülpicher Straße 47b
50674 Köln
As Applicant
Current projects
Role of camalexin and sulfur nutrition in microbial assembly (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Partitioning of sulfur between primary and secondary metabolism (Research Grants)
Dissection of the signaling function of O-acetylserine in plants (Research Grants)
Mineral nutrition of C4 plants (Research Grants)
Current projects
As Spokesperson
Current projects
EXC 2048: CEPLAS - Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Current projects
- As Project Head
As Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Completed projects
Automatic scale-dependent adaptation of object models in image analysis (Research Units) to 4/2005
Completed projects
- As Co-Applicant