Professor Dr.-Ing. Martin Haardt
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fachgebiet Nachrichtentechnik
Helmholtzplatz 2
98693 Ilmenau
As Applicant
Current projects
PROMETHEUS: PRObability Mass Estimation in Tensors with Hidden Elements Using Structure (Methods, Theory, and Applications)
(Research Grants)
Advanced Hybrid Analog-Digital Massive MIMO Techniques for Millimeter Wave and sub-Terahertz Wireless Systems (AdAMMM II)
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
MIMO OFCDM Systeme in der Mobilkommunikation. Systemkonzepte und effiziente Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen für Multi-User-MIMO-OFCDM-Systeme
(Priority Programmes)
Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Signal Processing
(Research Grants)
Exploiting structure in compressed sensing using side constraints – from analysis to system design (EXPRESS II)
(Priority Programmes)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 1487: Self-organised Mobile Communication Systems for Disaster Scenarios
(Research Training Groups)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Development and evaluation of low complexity physical layer concepts for energy efficient UWB communications
(Priority Programmes)