Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer
No current work address.
As Applicant
Current projects
Multi-functional high-performance profile systems in intrinsically manufactured fiber composite metal hybrid design (ProMi)
(Research Grants)
T2: Physics-based process evaluation and decision support for structural process improvement
(Research Units)
T1: Construction Kit and Building Blocks for the Fast Improvement of Immature Processes
(Research Units)
Additive manufacturing of continuous fibre-reinforced polymer parts using the laser-sintering process
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
Simulation des Größeneinflusses bei der Spanbildung mit geometrisch bestimmter Schneide in Eisenbasiswerkstoffen
(Priority Programmes)
Potenziale zur Genauigkeitssteigerung aus der direkten Wegmessung bei Parallelkinematiken
(Priority Programmes)
Auslegung der Bauteilstruktur von Parallelkinematiken unter Berücksichtigung des mechanischen Gesamtsystemverhaltens
(Priority Programmes)
Methode zur planungs- und anlaufbegleitenden Qualitätssimulation von instabilen Produktionssystemen im Serienanlauf
(Research Grants)
Berechnung operationeller Verfügbarkeiten auf Basis eines Bewertungsmodells für Maschinenausstattungen und Serviceleistungen
(Research Grants)
Gestaltungsrichtlinien und Herstellungsverfahren für Mikro-Fräswerkzeuge
(Research Grants)
Compensation of positioning errors with smart structures
(Priority Programmes)
Adaptronically controlled hydrostatic pocket based on new actors for active guiding systems
(Priority Programmes)
Standzeitsteigerung bei der Zerspanung durch Nachgiebigkeitsvariation beim Schneideneintrittstoß
(Research Grants)
Vorhersage von Grenzen der Miniaturisierung des Stirnplandrehens von C45E mit Hilfe der Finite-Element-Simulation
(Priority Programmes)
Grundlagen zur Simulation einer auf Basis resonanter Effekte aufgebauten Sensor-/Aktorintegration
(Research Grants)
Untersuchung der Genauigkeitsanforderungen im Bereich der Fügezone beim Sinterfügen von hohlen Metallpulverspritzguss (MIM)-Bauteilen
(Research Grants)
Highly integrated hydraulic active feed unit for micro manufacturing with favorable ratio of build and work space
(Priority Programmes)
Increase in productivity of the micro slide conveyance by part-specific and adaptive process models
(Research Grants)
Resource-efficient ball screw by adaptive lubrication
(Priority Programmes)
Process modeling of linear coil winding processes with a subsequent deformation model
(Research Grants)
Process model for the tool-free production of metallic components with the Arburg Freeforming Process
(Research Grants)
Semi-active component for chatter suppression of metal cutting machine tools
(Research Grants)
Model-based assembly optimization for the automation of electric drive production with minimum unbalance
(Research Grants)
Coordination Funds
(Priority Programmes)
Basic research on intrinsically produced FRP-/metal-composites - from embedded inserts to load-bearing hybrid structures
(Priority Programmes)
Stress adapted design of load application elements for hybrid light-weight shafts manufactured by centrifugal process
(Priority Programmes)
Methodology for a near net shape, wrinkle-free production of textile preforms by using a segment based die draping
(Research Grants)
Extension of durability theory through correlation of wear with acoustic emission to the characteristic values of the ball screw drive
(Research Grants)
Modeling for the sensor based gripping and separation of textile semi-finished products with vacuum grippers
(Research Grants)
Joining of intrinsically manufactured frp/metal components to metallic structural elements by resistance spot welding
(Research Grants)
Additively manufactured temperature sensitive actuators made of shape memory wire reinforced polymer structures
(Research Grants)
Methodology for increasing the uniformity of fiber-injection-molded preforms
(Research Grants)
Image-based condition monitoring for modelling the temporal development of the wear condition of ball screws by means of machine learning
(Research Grants)
Enabling the ARBURG Freeforming process for industrial production of metallic components
(Research Grants)
Qualification and optimization of the joint-winding process for processing fiber-reinforced thermoplastics for the production of truss structures
(Research Grants)
As Leader
Completed projects
Hochgeschwindigkeitskamera und -thermographieeinheit
(Major Research Instrumentation)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
SPP 1712: Intrinsic Hybridcomposites for Lightweight Construction Structures - Basics of Manufacturing, Characterisation and Mechanical Design
(Priority Programmes)
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2154: POLiS - Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence
(Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Completed projects
GRK 2078: Integrated engineering of continuous-discontinuous long fiber reinforced polymer structures
(International Research Training Groups)
As Project Head
Current projects
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Central service project
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
Strukturkatalog für miniaturisierte Trennprozesse
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Fertigungsnahe Mikro-Qualitätssicherung
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Automation - Thermal Sinter-Joining
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Compensation of impacts by insteady process conditions during flying cutting
Flexible gripping and measurement technology
Integration of handling and assembly
As Participating Person
Completed projects
SPP 1551: Resource Efficient Constructional Elements
(Priority Programmes)
As Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Completed projects
Aufwandsoptimierte Simulation von parallelkinematischen Werkzeugmaschinen
(Research Grants) to 5/2008
Dynamiksteigerung adaptronische Strebe zur Kompensation geometrischer Maschinenfehler
(Priority Programmes) to 5/2008
Analyse und Reduktion der technischen und finanziellen Risiken von Garantieleistungen im Werkzeugmaschinenbau auf Basis der Monte-Carlo-Simulation
(Research Grants) to 8/2008