Professor Dr. Francois Holtz
No current work address.
As Applicant
Current projects
Carbon recycling by arc magmatism: an assessment from experimentally homogenized melt inclusions in olivine
(Research Grants)
Spectroscopic mineral - chemical analysis of drill cores: Development of fast 2D LIBS, EDXRF and hyperspectral scanning with application to outstanding problems of the Bushveld Complex layered intrusion
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
The mafic magma plumbing system in the Snake River Plain Province (Yellowstone hotspot, USA): Contribution from the analysis of crystal cargoes and melt inclusions in basaltic lavas from the Kimama drilling core.
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Diffusion in common mineral phases. Part 3: Chain silicates: pyroxene and amphibole
(Research Units)
Amphibole stability and chemistry in mafic calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas
(Research Units)
Completed projects
Differentiation of basalts from the Kerguelen Plateau ("large igneous province")
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Wechselwirkungen zwischen C-H-O-S Fluiden und Magmen
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Distribution of H20, CO2, S and Cl between silicate melts, gas phase and minerals on the example of the Unzen volcano: application for degassing processes
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Thermodynamik modeling of alkali-rich melt properties based on experimental and structural data
(Research Grants)
Low pressure differentiation of basalts at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near Ascension - Constraints from experiments at controlled volatile and oxygen fugacities
(Priority Programmes)
Pre-eruptive conditions prior to and after magma mixing at Unzen volcano: constraints from high pressure experimental investigations
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Mobility, speciation and distribution of platinum group elements in silicate melts and fluids at high pressure
(Research Grants)
Die Suche nach Magmakammern unter Stratovulkanen der zentralen Anden (N. Chile) mit petrologischen, geochemischen und geophysikalischen Methoden.
(Research Grants)
Magma differentiation processes and pre-eruptive conditions of MORBs (7-11°S) near Ascension Island - Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modeling
(Priority Programmes)
The down-hole magmatic-metamorphic evolution in basalts and gabbros monitored by Fe-Ti oxides: A complete section of Superfast Spreading Crust at IODP Site 1256D
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Pre-eruptive conditions of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain, Yellowstone Hotspot-Constraints from experiments and phase equilibria modelling
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Experimental study on vesiculation and formation of groundmass microlites induced by decompression: Constraints on processes related to magma ascent at Unzen volcano
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Crystallization of columbite-tantalite in pegmatites: Experimental constraints and implication for natural systems
(Research Grants)
Storage conditions and degassing processes of low-K and high-Al tholeiitic island-arc magmas: Experimental constraints and natural observations for Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Evolution of magma storage conditions along the track of Yellowstone Hotspot: investigation of the volcanic rocks from Snake River Plain
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Magma Differentiation processes and volatile contents in Shatsky Rise oceanic Plateau basalts: constraints from mineral, glass and melt inclusion compositions combined with experimental and thermodynamic modeling
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
The effect of network-formers (Si, Ti, Al and P) on ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts: experimental study and improvement of existing models.
(Research Grants)
Determination of the depth of rhyolitic magma chambers in the Snake River Plain province, USA,: an experimental calibration
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Differentiation of tholeiites - the role of primitive composition and small amounts of H2O
(Research Grants)
Formation of monomineralic Fe-Ti oxide ores in the high-Ti ferrobasaltic system: A case study in Emeishan, China
(Research Grants)
Melting and storage conditions of rhyolites in the Snake River Plain Province , USA
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
The effect of network-modifiers (Mg, Ca, Na and K) on ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts: experimental study and improvement of existing models.
(Research Grants)
Magmatic volatiles and ore metals released from intraoceanic arc magmas: constraints from high pressure experiments and melt inclusions for Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Understanding the crust-mantle transition from fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges: experiments and analytical studies using ICDP OmanDP drill core samples
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Rare-metal enrichment in carbonatite-bearing magmatic systems: Part A. Understanding magmatic evolution and enrichment processes in time by high-precision dating and inclusion studies
(Priority Programmes)
Transport and enrichment of tungsten and tin in melts and fluids at magmatic-hydrothermal stages: experimental approach and application to the Argemela district (Portugal)
(Priority Programmes)
Rare-metal enrichment in carbonatite-bearing magmatic systems: Part B. Understanding the role of fractional crystallization and liquid immiscibility by experimental simulations of silicate-carbonatite systems
(Priority Programmes)
As Leader
Completed projects
(Major Research Instrumentation)
(Major Research Instrumentation)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Experimentelle Untersuchung zur Entwicklung und Differenzierung von SiO2-reichen Schmelzen in der ozeanischen Kruste: Die Genese der Plagiogranite
(Priority Programmes)
Genesis Ascent and Crystallization of A-type granites
(Priority Programmes)
Trace element distribution in eclogite facies former Plagioklas Cumulates
(Research Grants)
Experimental investigation on the phase equilibra of a tholeiitic ferrobasalt: the role of water activity and oxigen fugacity
(Priority Programmes)
Viscous flow of magmas from Unzen volcano, Japan - implications for magma mixing and ascent
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Pre-eruptive volatile contents and degassing potential of Kerguelen large igneous province (LIP) basalts: Experimental study on basalts of the ODP Leg 183, site 1140
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Partitioning of sulfur and sulfur isotopes between fluids and melts - a key for understanding and monitoring of magmatic degassing
(Research Grants)
Viscous flow and diffusion in highly depolymerized water-rich melts: improvement of experimental methods and implication for natural system
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Izu-Bonin-Mariana boninites - natural laboratory to study mantle melting and the evolution of magma plumbing systems in early stages of subduction
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Determination of ferric-ferrous ratio in natural glasses by microprobe: application of the flank method for determination of the redox state of basalts from mid-oceanic ridges, oceanic islands, oceanic plateaus and island arcs
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
HFSE enrichment in carbonatites and associated peridotite-melilitolite-foidolite complexes: the role of fractionation versus metasomatism in ore-forming processes
(Priority Programmes)
Deciphering the metal stable isotope record of Sn-W ore deposits: a complementary approach based on experiments and case studies
(Priority Programmes)
Large Scale Artificial Intelligence Augmented Mineral Analysis (LS-MAIner) – characterization of volcanic rocks for diffusion chronometry
(Research Units)
Completed projects
Chlorine in amphibole: intracrystalline diffusion and partitioning between amphibole and silicate melt
(Research Grants)
Experimental study on the production of rhyolites from basaltic sources in the bimodal Snake River Plain-Yellowstone province
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Unravelling disequilibrium in basaltic crystal cargoes: an experimental and petrological study of mixing in primitive Icelandic magmas
(Research Grants)
Forearc basalt and boninite lineage: origin and evolution of magmas in the course of subduction initiation, Izu-Bonin Mariana arc
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Effects of cutting edge residual stresses on the wear behavior of PVD-coated cutting tools
(Research Grants)
Understanding felsic veins in gabbros drilled by IODP at Atlantis Bank (Southwest Indian Ridge): Formation, metamorphism, and their role as multifunctional pathways for fluid and mass transfer
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Crystallization and Degassing Processes during Strombolian Eruptions: A Numerical Approach
(Research Grants)
The ferric/ferrous ratio in silicic melts: experimental investigation and modelling
(Research Grants)